The Jake Thomas Trilogy: Book 02 - Sword of Light

Read The Jake Thomas Trilogy: Book 02 - Sword of Light for Free Online

Book: Read The Jake Thomas Trilogy: Book 02 - Sword of Light for Free Online
Authors: Steven A. Tolle
his head around to look at her.  She was in fresh clothes and evidently had found the time to bathe, her damp hair glistening in the sun.  She gave him a warm smile, her brown eyes catching the morning sun, the golden flakes seeming to shine.  “How do you feel?”
    “Everything seems to be working, but my body is still really weak.”  Jake said, returning her smile.  “I wish I knew what happened to me.”
    “You need to rest and be patient.”  Hailyn responded, voice confident.  “Once Master Jonas returns, I am sure that he will find a way to help you.”
    “If what you said about the clerics and me is right, then I can’t let him do anything.”  Jake stated.  “I don’t want him to get hurt or worse for me.”
    “Well, that is an issue that we will address when it happens.”  Hailyn said soothingly.  “Maybe you will simply get better with a little time.”
    “Maybe.”  Jake said, turning his head back.  “I just wish I could sit up.”
    “That is easy enough.”  Marcus’ voice sounded as he walked up to the wagon.  Jake turned his head to see that Marcus had also bathed and changed into clean clothes.  I guess I’m the only one who isn’t getting a shower.  Jake thought self-consciously as he looked at his dirty clothes.
    Marcus piled some blankets against the side of the wagon’s rails, and then assisted Jake into a sitting position, lifting and pulling him until he was resting against the blankets.  Jake was embarrassed that Marcus had to do most of the work, but was mostly distracted by an odd crawling sensation that occurred when Marcus touched him.  He had not noticed it last night, but now it felt like ants crawling on him, of all things.  It was slightly uncomfortable, but mostly just really weird.  It faded away when Marcus released him, leaving Jake pondering what it was.
    Now sitting up, Jake had a view of the courtyard, seeing the smoke rising from the numerous cook fires, observing the groups of soldiers working and noticing the guards on the stone battlements watching for any approaching danger.  The smell of cooking food set his stomach growling.  Jake blushed slightly when he realized Hailyn had heard it.
    “I will get you something to eat, Jake.”  She said as she slid off the wagon bench.  Jake watched her as she made her way towards the nearest cook fire, nodding and responding to the greetings from the soldiers.
    “Have you thought more on how I can settle my debt?”  Marcus asked, pulling Jake’s attention back to him.
    “Look, Marcus, you don’t owe me anything.”  Jake said, looking him in the eye.  “We both wanted Keria safe and we both did what we could to make that happen.”  He paused for a moment before continuing.  “I would like to continue our truce, at least.  I would rather have you as a friend than an enemy.”
    “What about Keria?”  Marcus asked quietly and intently, leaning close.  “How can we be friends if we both want her?”  He now paused, looking away, then looked back at Jake, eyes determined.  “I will not step aside.  I love her.”  He stated simply.
    Jake sighed heavily, looking down.  He did not have a good answer for that.  He tried to raise his hand to his face, but could only make it about halfway, his arm shaking, then let it fall back into his lap.
    “Let us put that aside for now.”  Marcus said, a note of sympathy in his voice.  “I will honor our truce.  We can discuss it later, once you have healed.”
    They remained there quietly, both lost in their own thoughts, until Hailyn returned with a plate of food.  Marcus took it from her and helped Jake eat.  The food was hot and satisfying, distracting Jake from his troubles for the most part.  That strange sensation reoccurred every time Marcus’s hand got very close to Jake, almost touching, fading when he removed it, taking some of the enjoyment away from the food.
    After Jake had finished eating, Marcus excused himself and went

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