The Infinite Evolution - Conversion
continued into the massive tube he saw a red light and heard a
commanding voice similar to HICAMS, “Please place your vehicle in
park and turn off your engine. Your vehicle is being scanned for
illegal and/or threatening devices.”
    As Spencer sat in his car, the
inner surface of the tube was turning a bright blue, so bright that
Spencer had to put on his sunglasses. A solid yellow light bar,
approximately nineteen feet long, slowly circled Spencer’s vehicle
from front to back. It started and ended around the location of the
driver’s side door. Spencer sat there and gripped the steering
wheel with both his white knuckled hands. After about two minutes,
the red light turned green and the door in front of him opened, as
an electronic voice ordered, “You are clear to proceed.” Spencer
drove out, but not too quickly, because he knew if he did he would
be stopped for driving recklessly.
    As he headed towards the Binary
parking facility he noticed new construction and thought, “That was
fast,” as he recalled the empty field that was there three months
    The seventeen-acre Central
Circuit campus is only accessible by tram, each one with its own
parking facility. There are two other trams simply named “1” for
receiving and “0” for shipping. These trams were not used for human
    After Spencer pulled into the
Binary parking facility a small red beam scanned both his license
plate and vehicle identification number. A holoscreen appeared in
front of him and showed the hourly and daily parking rates. Twenty five credits an hour or two
hundred and forty one credits for twenty four hours, for
    “ That’s ridiculous,” Spencer
thought as he drove forward.
    When he came to a series of bays,
he decided to park his vehicle in bay seven. Once Spencer powered
off his vehicle, he grabbed his coat and exited. He walked up to a
display panel, linked it to his PDA, and received a digital
receipt. While Spencer walked away, the bay doors in front of his
vehicle closed, and the pallet that held the vehicle moved to a
storage bay somewhere inside the parking facility. There it was
stacked up with the rest of the vehicles and secured for
    As Spencer walked towards the
tram he was bombarded with advertisements, mostly regarding PIC
implants. Spencer was amazed when he viewed an advertisement about
personal pet PIC implants. This gave the owner the ability to know
what their pet was thinking, seeing, and hearing. During the time
he stood in front of the holoscreens, he thought he caught a glance
of Serafina. When Spencer turned around, he confirmed it was in
fact her. He called her name, but the crowds of people between them
were too loud for her to hear.
    He tried to push through towards
her direction, as the tram arrived, but once the tram came to a
complete stop multiple doors opened, the crowd of people swarmed
in, and took Spencer with them. He failed to keep his eyes on
Serafina to see where she had ended up, and soon the doors shut
behind him. Spencer realized he needed to grab on to one of handles
that dangled overhead, but decided against it as he tried to move
to the front of the compartment. He soon noticed Serafina was on a
connecting compartment after he saw her profile through a nearby
window. He knew he had no choice, but to be patient and wait until
he arrived at his destination. This was the longest eleven minutes
of Spencer’s life. Atypically for him, he ignored any type of
conversation with nearby strangers, in an attempt to see if he
would be able to catch another glance of Serafina. He wanted all
his attention focused on this one task.
    “ Arrival at Central Circuit in
five minutes. All employees please exit to your left. All
non-employees please exit to your right,” said a computerized
voice. Spencer knew from his past travels that most of the people
on this tram were employees. He hoped Serafina was not one of them,
so she would be in the smaller of the

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