The Infinite Evolution - Conversion
Jade had the door open, was already out of the
car, and said, “Bye, I’ll take the hover train home, don’t worry
about picking me up.”
    “ No kiss?” Spencer asked.
    “ Sorry, I’m late! Bye,” yelled
Jade as she ran off towards school.

Chapter 3
    The End
    Spencer decided to stop by and see Reece at work in
an attempt to solicit him for help. “Please adjust route to include
Central Circuit as the next stop.”
    “ Route adjusted. What parking facility would
you like to use? Hex, Binary, or Legacy,” asked the navigation
    “ Let’s park in Binary, they seem to have the
fastest tram,” replied Spencer confidently.
    “ Route laid in, with current traffic and
weather conditions you should be arriving in twenty three minutes,”
reported the navigation system.
    “ Excellent,” said Spencer who then paused and
added, “Stop at the first coffee shop on the way.”
    “ Understood, we will be arriving at Caffeine
Express in seven minutes,” noted the navigation system.
    “ Outstanding.”
    As Spencer pulled into the
parking lot of Caffeine Express, he drove up to the drive-through
and ordered one large coffee, with two shots of espresso, and five
sugars. After he paid the nine credits through his PDA, Spencer
drove forward, a small window opened up, and a metal tray expanded
with his steaming hot coffee. After Spencer grabbed his life blood,
he decided to place his vehicle in auto drive, so he could give all
his attention to the one thing he found utterly pleasing, his
morning cup of Joe.
    When Spencer neared Central
Circuit, he took his vehicle out of auto drive and maneuvered into
the middle lane, thinking this lane would get him through the
security checkpoint quicker. As the lines of vehicles grew, Spencer
started to grow anxious. The combination of his hatred for traffic
and the security screening required him to drive his vehicle inside
an enclosure. This was perhaps just too much for any
claustrophobic. As Spencer approached the gate, an electronic
barricade raised from the pavement, and forced him to
    While he waited, Spencer received
an incoming message from Central Circuit security and accepted it
promptly. A voice came through the interior intercom of his
vehicle. “What is the purpose of your visit today, employee, sales,
tourist, or visitor?”
    Tempted to say “sales” Spencer decided it would be
best if he took this matter seriously, as he sat there thinking, “I
need to play it straight, I don’t want to be stonewalled at a
security checkpoint all day.”
    “ I’m here as a visitor,” said
    “ Who will you be visiting and are you
expected?” asked security.
    “ I’m here to see Reece Fields and no, my visit
is unexpected.”
    “ According to your vehicle
registration you’re Spencer Cade, is that correct?”
    “ Yes,” advised Spencer amazed and yet bothered
by the fact he does not even have to tell them who he is anymore,
thanks to his digital fingerprint within society.
    “ Since you don’t have a PIC implant, you will
need to check in with the security desk at the main building for a
temporary guide.”
    “ I’m aware of all this, I’ve been here
before,” replied Spencer.
    “ Yes, this will be your eleventh visit in the
last five years,” said security.
    “ May I go now?” asked
    “ Please stand by we’re still
awaiting conformation from Dr. Fields. Do you have any
explosives and or firearms on your person or in your
    “ No, I don’t,” replied Spencer
    In the past, Spencer had learned
if one acts difficult with Central Circuit security, it only
prolongs their wait. So now, he does not become argumentative or
snippy. He just gave short and precise responses, for he has found
this is what they appear to like.
    “ You are free to proceed to the vehicular
scanner Mr. Cade, have a nice day.”
    “ Thanks,” said Spencer as he pulled forward,
after the barricade faded into the pavement. While

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