The Indian Burial Ground Mystery

Read The Indian Burial Ground Mystery for Free Online

Book: Read The Indian Burial Ground Mystery for Free Online
Authors: Julie Campbell
Charles said as he looked down at the
disheveled girl. “Didn’t I tell you to get lost?”
    “I forgot my tools,” Trixie explained lamely. She could feel herself
blushing with embarrassment.
    “Well, hurry up and get them, and then get out of here,” Charles said,
scowling at her.
    Trixie scrambled to her feet and walked slowly across the tiny space
separating her and Charles. She had to climb over a fallen tree trunk to get to
the place where she’d left her tools. “Yes, sir. Your wish is my command.”
    I sound just like Mart , she thought as she quickly collected her things. Then, straightening
up, Trixie looked defiantly at Charles Miller.
    “If I were you,” she said with a smug grin, “I’d try being a little
nicer to people. Nobody likes a grouch!”
    “Why you...” Charles started.
    “Hey, do you think she was listening?” Harry snapped, his eyes narrowing
as he watched her.
    “I doubt it,” Charles answered. But he looked a little worried. “It
doesn’t matter, anyway. For one thing, she’s just a high-school kid.
    And for another, I’m going to see to it that she gets thrown off this
    Squaring her shoulders and holding her head high, Trixie slowly marched
away from the two men.
    “We’ll see about that,” she muttered under her breath. “And wait until I
tell Brian and Mart what I just heard. You guys won’t get near the
Historical Society if I have anything to say about it.”
    Filled with determination, Trixie hurried through the woods to find
Honey—and Professor Conroy.

5 * Treasure Talk
    “ And then Charles said we
weren’t allowed to work there,” Trixie said to Professor Conroy, trying to
control her anger. “We were working just where you told us, too.” Professor
Conroy looked perplexed. Slowly turning a small trowel over and over in his
hands, he looked at the red-faced girl standing in front of him.
    “It really doesn’t matter where anyone digs,” he finally said. “I’ll
speak to Charles and see if there’s any reason for this. In the meantime, why
don’t you go over to the students in the cleaning tent and see if they need any
    Slightly annoyed that Professor Conroy hadn’t exactly taken her side,
Trixie stood there lamely, trying to hide her anger. Although Professor Conroy
didn’t say as much, Trixie detected an expression of annoyance on his face. She
wished she could think of something to say that would make him go off and scold
Charles Miller. Then, thinking better of it, Trixie turned away. After finding
Honey, they spent the afternoon hanging around the cleaning tent, accomplishing
    That night after supper, the Bob-Whites met in their clubhouse. The
clubhouse had once been the old gatehouse on the Wheeler estate. The Bob-Whites
had repaired it, hung curtains, and added some old furniture. They’d even
gotten a wood-burning stove from Mrs. De Keyser, who lived down Glen Road . The
stove made it possible for them to use the clubhouse for most of the year.
    Trixie was curled up in a newly covered armchair. She had just finished
telling Di, Mart, Dan, and Brian about the unfortunate meeting in the woods
with Charles Miller and Harry.
    “Maybe there’s a real treasure buried on the preserve,” Trixie concluded excitedly.
    “I still say, Little Miss Detective,” Brian said firmly, “the only thing
Charles Miller could possibly be talking about is the buried ‘treasure’ of
archaeology. You’re wasting your time.”
    “I am not,” Trixie countered. “I think Charles Miller and Harry know
something about a real treasure. I say they’re using this dig as a cover for
finding it. Maybe they’re looking for Captain Kidd’s treasure.”
    “The only thing people find when they’re looking for Captain Kidd’s
treasure,” Mart said with a superior look on his face, “is other people
looking for Captain Kidd’s treasure.”
    “What about the map part?” Trixie asked. “What other kind of map could
they be

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