The Human Division #11: A Problem of Proportion

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Book: Read The Human Division #11: A Problem of Proportion for Free Online
Authors: John Scalzi
    “Consider his thinking?” Sorvalh said, to Abumwe. “Or give him a decision on credit, because of a presumed debt to him?”
    “I would prefer the first,” Abumwe said. “I would take the second, however.”
    Sorvalh smiled at this, looked over to Wilson and then to Fotew. “Captain?”
    “I think it’s a waste,” Fotew said. “But it’s your call to make, Councillor.”
    “Prepare a missile,” Sorvalh said. Captain Fotew turned to do her bidding; Sorvalh turned her attention back to Wilson. “You used your credit with me, Lieutenant,” she said. “Let’s hope that in the future you don’t have cause to wish you had spent it on something else.”
    Wilson nodded and opened up a channel to the Urse Damay . “Rayth Ablant,” he said.
    I am here, came back the text.
    “I’ve gotten you what you wanted,” Wilson said.
    Just in time. I am down to the last 2 percent of my power.
    “Missile prepped and ready for launch,” Captain Fotew said, to Sorvalh. Sorvalh nodded to Wilson.
    “Just tell me when you want it,” Wilson said.
    Now is good.
    Wilson nodded to Fotew. “Fire,” she said, to her weapons station.
    “On its way,” Wilson said.
    Thank you for everything, Lieutenant Wilson.
    “Glad to,” Wilson said.
    I’ll miss you.
    “Likewise,” Wilson said.
    There was no response.
    “We’ve cracked the order,” the science officer said.
    “Tell us,” Sorvalh said.
    The science officer looked at the humans on the bridge and then Captain Fortew. “Ma’am?” she said.
    “You have your orders,” Fotew said.
    “The coordinates for the return flight of the Urse Damay are in this system,” the science officer said. “They resolve under the surface of the local star. If it came out of skip there, it would have been destroyed instantly.”
    “Your friend was never going home, Lieutenant Wilson,” Sorvalh said.
    “Missile has reached the Urse Damay, ” Fotew said, looking at her bridge display. “Direct hit.”
    “I’d like to think he just got there on his own, Councillor,” Wilson said.
    He walked off the bridge of the Nurimal and headed toward the shuttle bay, alone.

Also by John Scalzi
    Old Man’s War
    The Ghost Brigades
    The Android’s Dream
    The Last Colony
    Zoe’s Tale
    Your Hate Mail Will Be Graded
    Fuzzy Nation
    Edited by John Scalzi

E-book Copyright
    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.
    Copyright © 2013 by John Scalzi
    All rights reserved.
    Cover art by John Harris

    A Tor Book
    Published by Tom Doherty Associates, LLC
    175 Fifth Avenue
    New York, NY10010
    Tor ® is a registered trademark of Tom Doherty Associates, LLC.
    e-ISBN: 978-1-4668-3060-8

The Human Division
    John Scalzi’s stirring new novel in the universe of his bestselling Old Man’s War
    New e-episodes will appear every Tuesday from January 15 to April 9, 2013, on all your favorite e-book sites. Don’t miss a single one:
    January 15: The Human Division #1: The B-Team
    January 22: The Human Division #2: Walk the Plank
    January 29: The Human Division #3: We Only Need the Heads
    February 5: The Human Division #4: A Voice in the Wilderness
    February 12: The Human Division #5: Tales from the Clarke
    February 19: The Human Division #6: The Back Channel
    February 26: The Human Division #7: The Dog King
    March 5: The Human Division #8: The Sound of Rebellion
    March 12: The Human Division #9: The Observers
    March 19: The Human Division #10: This Must Be the Place
    March 26: The Human Division #11: A Problem of Proportion
    April 2: The Human Division #12: The Gentle Art of Cracking Heads
    April 9: The Human Division #13: Earth Below, Sky Above

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