The Highly Selective Dictionary for the Extraordinarily Literate

Read The Highly Selective Dictionary for the Extraordinarily Literate for Free Online

Book: Read The Highly Selective Dictionary for the Extraordinarily Literate for Free Online
Authors: Eugene Ehrlich
Tags: General, Reference, Dictionaries, Language Arts & Disciplines
    bravura (br e -VYUUR- e ) noun, plural bravuras
    1. a brilliant performance.
    2. a display of daring, especially in music.
    3. a florid passage or piece requiring great skill to perform.
    Related word: bravura adjective .
    brigand (BRIG- e nd) noun
    1. a member of a band of robbers living in forest or mountain regions.
    2. a bandit.
    Related words: brigandage (BRIG- e n-dij) noun , brigandish adjective , brigandishly adverb .
    broach (brohch) verb
    1. mention or suggest (a topic) for the first time.
    2. begin drawing (beer, whiskey, etc.) as by tapping a keg or cask.
    Related word: broacher noun .
    bromide (BROH-m I d) noun
    1. a platitude or trite remark.
    2. a person who is unfailingly boring.
    Related word: bromidic (broh-MID-ik) adjective .
    brummagem (BRUM- e -j e m) adjective
    1. cheap and showy but inferior and worthless.
    2. ( noun ) a showy but inferior thing.
    brusque (brusk) adjective
    1. blunt, offhand.
    2. abrupt in manner.
    Related words: brusquely adverb , brusqueness noun .
    buccal (BUK- e l) adjective
    of or pertaining to the cheek; of or in the mouth.
    Related word: buccally adverb .
    bucolic (byoo-KOL-ik) adjective , also given as bucolical
    1. rustic, rural.
    2. of or pertaining to shepherds, pastoral.
    Related word: bucolically adverb .
    bugaboo (BUG- e - BOO ) and bugbear (BUG- BAIR ) both nouns
    1. something that causes baseless fear or worry.
    2. a false belief used to intimidate or dissuade.
    bulimia (byoo-LIM-ee- e ) noun
    an unnaturally persistent hunger or voracious appetite.
    See anorexia nervosa .
    Related word: bulimic (byoo-LIM-ik) adjective .
    bulwark (BUUL-w e rk) noun
    1. a wall of earth or other material built for defense, rampart, fortification.
    2. a protection against external danger or injury.
    3. a person or principle that acts as a defense.
    Related word: bulwark verb .
    bumptious (BUMP-sh e s) adjective
    offensively conceited or self-assertive; pushy.
    Related words: bumptiously adverb , bumptiousness noun .
    burble (BUR-b e l) verb
    1. speak at length; babble.
    2. make a bubbling sound.
    Related word: burbler noun .
    burgeon (BUR-j e n) verb
    grow or develop rapidly; flourish.
    burnish (BUR-nish) verb
    1. polish by rubbing
    2. brighten; cause to glow.
    bushido (BOO-shee- DAW ) noun
    in feudal Japan, the ethical code of the samurai.
    Byzantine (BIZ- e n- TEEN ) adjective
    1. complex or intricate.
    2. underhanded.
    3. characterized by complicated scheming and intrigue.


    cabotage ( KAB - e -TAHZH) noun
    1. coastal trade or navigation.
    2. legal restriction of air traffic within a country's borders.
    cachet (ka-SHAY) noun, plural cachets (ka-SHAYZ)
    1. prestige, superior status.
    2. a sign of approval, especially one given by a person who is highly regarded.
    3. an official seal, as on a document.
    cachexia (k e -KEK-see- e ) noun
    general ill health causing chronic debility.
    Related word: cachectic (k e -KEK-tik), cachectical , and cachexic (k e -KEK-sik) all adjectives .
    cachinnate (KAK- e - NAYT ) verb
    laugh loudly or immoderately.
    Related words: cachinnation and cachinnator both nouns , cachinnatory (KAK- e -n e - TOR -ee) adjective .
    cacodemon ( KAK - e -DEE-m e n) noun
    an evil spirit or person.
    Related words: cacodemonic ( KAK - e -di-MON-ik) and cacodemoniac ( KAK - e -di-MOH-nee- AK ) both adjectives .
    cacography (k e -KOG-r e -fee) noun
    1. bad handwriting.
    2. incorrect spelling.
    Related words: cacographer noun ,

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