The Graphic Details
against my
pillow. “Give me a second…” I said, as I tried, unsuccessfully, to
stifle a yawn. “…and I’ll blow you to completion.”
    He laughed and said, “As tempting as that is,
I can see you’re really tired and we both have work tomorrow, so
I’ll take a rain check on that blow.” And he brushed my hair back
and gave me a loving kiss on the forehead. “But I will be
collecting on that soon, I promise,” he said. I smiled.
    “Come lay with me,” I said as I beckoned him
with my arms wide open, and he did as told and laid down behind me,
and spooned me. I could feel his cock on my raw ass, still rock
hard, and I contemplated going for a second round, but he had
fucked me to sleepy satisfaction. I would have to dream about round
    Bonus: Introducing, Vanessa
    I awoke in the morning and looked around
finding no one to either side of me. Then, I looked to the clock
and the red numbers had read 8:15 am.
    “ Fuck !” I screamed out. I was late for
work. I jumped out of my bed in a hurry.
    “Charles, Chuck,” I called out. No answer. I
went to my bathroom: no Chuck there. I went to my living room: no
Chuck there either. I had run out of rooms.
    Did this mother fucker just leave me? Did he
go to work and not even bother to wake me so that I could go with
him? I could not believe the gall this guy had.
    As I raced to my room to get ready, I glanced
at my kitchen table and there was a note on it with a small hard
drive on placed on top of it that simply read:
    Worked an your font all night and saved it on
    Call Sarah. Trust me.
    Love, Chuck
    So I did just that, I called Sarah.
    “Hey Sarah.”
    “Hey sleepy head. So, Charles explained the
situation to me.”
    “Oh, and what’s the situation?”
    “He said that you guys went out to have
coffee last night and that you had complained that you weren’t
feeling well, so he took you home early and that you wouldn’t be
coming in today.”
    “Oh. Well, I feel much better. So I’m coming
    “You sure? He said that you said that you’d
work from home.”
    “Yeah, I’m sure.”
    “Ok, I hope you enjoyed that coffee ,”
she said sarcastically, just before I hung up on her.
    I arrived to work at around nine o’clock and
stopped in the break room for a cup of coffee. Christy found me in
    “There you are,” she said. “Heard you went
out for “coffee” last night.” She actually put up her hands to do
the quotes.
    “Yep. That’s exactly what happened.”
    “So you’re going to be like that huh? Tight
lipped. Not keen on kissing and telling.”
    “There was no kissing, so there’s nothing to
tell.” I lied through my teeth. I’d tell her sooner or later, but
for some reason, at that moment I was feeling a little flushed. The
night before seemed too good to be true, I wasn’t even sure it had
actually happened. I couldn’t think straight without finishing my
    “So, you feel nothing for Charles, is what
you’re telling me?”
    “Nope. Nothing. We just met yesterday for
goodness sake,” I said as we made our way back to the office.
    “Okay. That’s good. Because she’s back
you know, and she seems to be taking a liking to our new staff
member,” she said. I wasn’t entirely sure who she was referring to,
until I stepped into the office and saw the person in question
standing near Charles’ desk: Vanessa Salinger.
    She had been away for so long on vacation, I
had almost forgot that Vanessa had even existed, let alone still
worked here. Vanessa was your typical office vixen, the epitome of
the word bitch . Every office has one. At least, I told
myself that to make myself feel better about her being there. She
was snarky, she used sarcasm every chance she got––the bad kind,
the kind that makes you want to smash someone’s face in with a
brick–-and she had a snide remark for everything you did, even the
kind of lunch you ate at what odd time of day you ate it at. But
one thing was for

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