The Graphic Details
could ask what the matter was, he hoisted me up from my
position and brought me face to face with him and we kissed, our
tongues entwined in a tornado of passion and love juices.
    He then flipped me over and made his way back
between my legs and said, “I’d like to study you, too.” He pulled
back my clitoral hood, and gave my clit a few teasing licks that
made me giggle. He explored all the crevices of my soaked pussy: he
playfully tugged at my labia, he kissed my pussy lips like they
were the lips of my mouth and he tongued my clit like it was my
actual tongue, and I enjoyed every second of it.
    He got up on his knees and asked me, “Are you
ready?” and before I could answer yes, he slipped all of his
manhood into my waiting pussy.
    I had forgotten what that sensation was like,
the sensation of a cock in my pussy, and I welcomed it with open
legs. With every thrust, I wanted to scream out in glee, but I had
neighbors, and it was well into the morning and didn’t want to wake
or alarm anyone with my noises of passion… at first. I didn’t think
it possible, but I could actually feel all of the veins of his cock
rubbing against the walls of my cave; I could feel the blood
pulsating through them, as it enlarged inside of me with every
push. He pinched and pulled at my nipples again as he fucked me and
I loved it: I was enjoying the sweet and spicy treatment he was
giving me.
    “Get on your knees,” he said, as he pulled
out his cock and I complied. He pulled me from my pelvis so that it
was lined up with his, and he slid into me once again. If possible,
it felt even better in this position. His piston was working at
maximum energy now. With every pump, I could hardly contain my
voice any longer. Suddenly, he slapped my ass (spicy) and gave me a
marathon of ramming (sweet), the combination of which made me
involuntarily scream out in ecstasy.
    Another thrust.
    “ Oh …”
    Another two.
    “ My …”
    Another three.
    “ God! ”
    I screamed out at full volume. Damn the
neighbors. This was too good and I needed to express my
    “Fuck me harder,” I told him and he did as he
was told. That was so unlike me. I had never said anything like
that, but his lovemaking brought it out of me. Yes, his cock was
just that good. As he slid in and out of me, I could feel his balls
slapping against my clit, adding extra simulation to the area. He
continued to pump me full of his girth and I gripped at whatever I
could find around me: the sheets, a pillow, Mr. Fluffy, my
childhood teddy bear that I still slept with. I brought Mr. Fluffy
to my mouth and screamed into his soft belly, trying to stifle my
moaning; I’m sorry Mr. Fluffy for involving you in this. I just had
    I threw Mr. Fluffy to the side and
concentrated on Charles’ manhood fucking the life out of me. And
then it happened. I came, and I came hard. I belted out a
combination of a squeal and scream that was so loud that I nearly
deafened myself. I convulsed a little here, and squirmed a little
there. My pelvis twitched wildly and my head was in a haze. I
opened my eyes a bit and I could see from my window a couple of
lights come on from across the way. Yeah, I had woken a couple of
    My ass was still in the air; I hadn’t the
strength to bring in down yet. Charles bent down and kissed me
tenderly on my right ass cheek and asked, “How are you?”
    “I’m fucking fabulous,” I lazily answered.
“And how are you? Did you come?”
    “What? Why not?” I asked, as I gathered
enough power to turn myself around.
    “Don’t worry about me. The important thing
was that you came.”
    “How did you know I came?” I asked, a little
embarrassed. Why I was embarrassed about that as I lay stark
naked showing all of my glory in front of a guy I barely knew, I
didn’t know. “Was I that obvious?”
    “Yeah, I’ll say you were.”
    “Shut up,” I said as I lifted poor Mr. Fluffy
up and threw it at Charles. I then plopped my head

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