The Grand Crusade

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Book: Read The Grand Crusade for Free Online
Authors: Michael A. Stackpole
Tags: Science-Fiction, Fantasy
speaking with Preyknosery here about things he has learned that might have a bearing on your future. While you have been fighting, he and other Gyrkyme have been out gathering information.”
    Alyx smiled at her adoptive father. “What have you learned?” The elder Gyrkyme smiled easily. “Of the world, much. Do you recall, daughter, how I taught you to read the seasons? Specifically, do you recall how I taught you to know if a drought would come and the summer would blaze?”
    She nodded. “The animals that leave the mountain heights for the winter are slow to return. They remain near water. Birds migrate earlier, other creatures change their range. You’re seeing this?”
    “This far north the winter has not loosened its grasp, but by the new year, it
    “That’s month’s end.”
    “It is, indeed. Further south animals are preparing for a hot summer of little
    Alyx nodded slowly and the Black Dragon smiled. “You were right, Preyknosery, she catches the significance. As Chytrine’s troops were at an advantage in the winter, having been born in a boreal realm, so they will be discomfited by a hot summer. That will give you an edge.”
    “I am thankful for it. Now we will have to strike; all that remains is choosing where and deciding with what. That latter point will be the more difficult, since we do not know what the crowns will decide.”
    Preyknosery scratched at his throat with a talon. “Our eyes have seen much of men as well. While the winter and snows make traveling difficult, troops are on the move. Alcida is moving the most, but other places are as well.”
    “Companies? Battalions? Regiments?”
    “All of them, but not all are directed toward Chytrine’s troops.” The Gyrkyme frowned. “Many borders and passes are being reinforced, especially in the east. Alosa, Vegan, Reimancia, and Teysrol see themselves as bastions to stop the spread eastward. They are also posting more troops on their own eastern frontiers to discourage adventurism.” Alyx sighed. “And in the west?”
    “Those nations that helped Adrogans win Okrannel are buoyed by success and are sending troops east, but the roads are long.”
    “Ships would bring them quickly to Saporicia.”
    The Black Dragon shook his head. “It is as you imagine, daughter. The western nations have fought and won, and while they would love more victories, the liberation of Okrannel makes them feel safe. If Chytrine takes Saporicia before they get there, they can oppose her in Alcida. As King Augustus threatened to fight in Oriosa, so they can fight in his realm. If, on the other hand, there are concessions that will reward them for speed, they will move with speed.”
    She closed her eyes. “It is as Crow said. They will play politics and let any chance they have at victory slip away.” Alyx opened her eyes again and looked up at Preyknosery. “What of the urZrethi and elves?”
    “Of the elves we know nothing. We are not welcome in their realms, so we do not study them. The urZrethi, however, are friends to the Gyrkyme. There is fighting in Sarengul and armies are being raised. Varagul is supposed to be sending a regiment across Reimancia and Vegan to help in the liberation of Sarengul. Bokagul is likewise raising an army.”
    Her violet eyes sharpened. “Did you hear anything of the Oriosan and Murosan troops fighting in Sarengul?”
    The Gyrkyme shook his head. “All is in chaos there and a number of our scouts never returned. I believe they died over Muroso.”
    “And Muroso is falling?”
    “I am afraid that it is. Caledo was not gone when last seen, but I would assume it has fallen by now. There were many refugees fleeing into Bokagul and Saporicia. The Aurolani have killed many, and the winter has killed its share, too.”
    The Gyrkyme frowned deeply. “Most disturbing of all is that Chytrine’s armies seem robust despite their losses. The Ghost March and Okrannel had good harvests, so her troops have food. The stores from Fortress Draconis are sustaining many as

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