The God Mars Book Two: Lost Worlds
haven’t been
willing to speak to us much, at least about the issues he’s most
concerned with. I expect I sound like I’m being intentionally
abstruse. I conclude by idly asking him what it is that UNCORT
does. I don’t get a timely answer.
    Shortly before dinner, we get our promised call back
from Secretary Satrapi.
    “I bring hopeful news,” she begins with a subdued
smile, maintaining her professional, matronly lines. “The General
Assembly did pass by majority vote the re-institution of the United
Nations Martian Affairs Council, so that our efforts to reach out
to you will be coordinated globally. General Richards has been
assigned as our military liaison. Security operations will be
directed through the team he is assembling. Work on relief missions
proceeds in earnest, though I am sorry I have no estimation as yet
for when you should receive your first material shipments.
    “I can also tell you that your news has created quite
an upheaval back home. While there are massive celebrations in
every nation, bigger than anything that has been seen in decades, I
regret to say that not all has been positive: There is still great fear in the international community; fear of
contamination as well as of the risks in returning to Mars. The
Disc threat remains a primary concern despite your assurances, so
the more intelligence you can provide from the surviving groups
will hopefully help assuage those fears. I also apologize for
Doctor Chandry’s tone in his communication; our military and
scientific advisors channel the concerns of many of our members
that certain questions regarding the extant technology on Mars
remain unsatisfactorily answered. Do not take this as any criticism
of your reports, Colonel Ram—we understand your limitations in
mounting a full survey and inspection of the effected regions.”
    I watch her face fall into almost-pained
    “However, I do very much regret to inform you that
these concerns have supported the continuation of the Planetary
Quarantine that had been put in place after the original disaster.
What that means—for now—is that only material support will be sent,
though I assure you it will be as generous as we can possibly
manage. No personnel will be sent to the surface, and—far worse,
I’m certain, from your perspective—no survivors will be evacuated
to Earth. I dearly wish that this policy does not remain steadfast
for long, but I can give you no assurances. I cannot begin to
express my regret to you or your brave people.”
    She pauses to collect herself, a performance very
similar to her last communication. I can’t tell from the video if
she’s honestly grieving or simply a good political player. I find
I’m feeling too numb to believe in either possibility.
    She goes through the motions of wishing us the best
and assuring us of the usual, then signs off.
    “And the other shoe drops,” Matthew grumbles, shaking
his head.
    “ Planetary Quarantine? ” Tru can’t seem to
believe what she’s heard. “ No evacuation?”
    “And no relief personnel,” Anton adds numbly
over the Link.
    “I don’t care about that,” Matthew snaps wearily.
“I’d rather not have any of them down here bushing with us
    “But we’ve got people who would like to see home
again,” I try, knowing the possibility of evacuation was not a
priority heretofore voiced by any of my command team. And I
strongly doubt any of the survivor factions are eager to visit
“home.” But having that door locked against us suddenly weighs
    “I think my people will handle,” Tru offers. “They
won’t like it, even if they had no plans to shuttle out. But I
think they’re good to stay on for the haul.”
    I give her a tired nod of thanks.
    Anton changes gears:
    “Just odd : She keeps talking about all these
big celebrations and all, but we get not one attached video
file. We’ve asked—I know we’ve asked—but they’re not showing us anything of home.

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