Survivor: 1

Read Survivor: 1 for Free Online

Book: Read Survivor: 1 for Free Online
Authors: J. F. Gonzalez
suddenly ... that's a felony?"
    "Reckless driving with the intent to cause grave bodily
injury or property damage is a felony in the state of California," the cop said. "Like I said, the minimum for which
a citizen-and that's anybody-can file a citizen's arrest
is that the crime they witness has to be a felony punishable by up to one year in jail. That's why you don't hear
about people making citizen's and on jaywalkers."
    "What about witnesses?" Lisa asked. "Or physical evidence? Will the DA try to gather some?"
    "Who knows?" The officer shrugged. "My guess is they
won't. A case like this, it's you and your husband's word
against Mr. Smith's. Personally, I think the DA will take
one look at this case Monday morning and decline to file
charges. I told Mr. Smith that I didn't think he had a very
good chance in something like this, especially out on an
open highway. Of course, if other people call in to say
they saw it happening, then there might be a stronger case. But unless that happens, there isn't much to go on."
The cop cocked his head and his features became softer.
"If you don't mind me asking, did you notice this guy before this happened?"

    Lisa had almost exploded with anger, but she held it
in. We're only told you eight million fucking times that this
asshole was dogging us all the way from the last rest stop!
Instead she had said, We noticed him just after we
pulled out of a rest stop twenty miles or so back. There
wasn't much traffic, and Brad made a lane change to
pass a slow-moving vehicle. There was nobody, and I
mean nobody in that lane, and then all of a sudden that
guy," she motioned to Mr. Smith, "was right there on our
ass, tailgating us like crazy."
    The cop had actually listened. He had nodded as Lisa
spun the story, his eyes darting over to Mr. Smith, then
settling back on Lisa. Lisa had felt a little better that
somebody was finally listening to her now, but she was
still angry over the way she and Brad had been treated,
especially at the hands of this cop. When she was finished, the cop nodded. "I'm sorry for what happened," he
had said. "I'll be perfectly honest in saying that I really
can't do anything about the situation. But I would like to
say off the record that I think the judge or the DA is going
to take one look at the complaint against your husband
and throw it out. I know your vacation is probably all shot
to hell now-"
    "It is."
    The cop had nodded, his features apologetic. "I explained to Mr. Smith the full consequences that could
happen should the outcome be found in your favor. I explained that he would be fully opening himself up to a
civil suit, and despite that, he wanted to proceed. Between you and me, I think the guy has a screw loose."
    "I think he did this because he was zooming along at a hundred miles an hour," Lisa had said in a hushed whisper. She had been facing the officer, but her eyes were
fixed on Mr. Smith's back as he bent over the paperwork
at the counter. "That's why Brad didn't see him in the
lane, and it also explains why he was suddenly there
right on us. He probably got pissed off because he had to
slow down to avoid hitting us, and I'm sure it didn't make
matters any better when Brad slowed down as we descended the hill. Brad got back into the slow lane, but he
followed us, right on our tail!

    The officer had nodded, looking across at Mr. Smith. `I
think that might be a safe assessment'
    There had been nothing left for her to do at the substation. They wouldn't even let her see Brad, but the officer
did promise to relay a message to him. She would be
checking in at the Days Inn and would be placing a call
to his parents in Orange County, as well as his friend Billy.
She would also try contacting the DA, or a local judge, to
see what she could do in speeding the arraignment process up. If she couldn't get the wheels grinding tonight,
she would cancel their hotel reservations in Cambria
and remain in town until

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