Say Yes

Read Say Yes for Free Online

Book: Read Say Yes for Free Online
Authors: Mellie George
did look terrific. I slid back into my seat beside Daisy. 
Jack sat on her other side, with Luke taking the seat at the end of the table. All
of a sudden I felt so nervous, like I was suddenly out of place.  Daisy reached
her hand over and gave mine a reassuring squeeze. 
                Mama spoke
up.  “Well, now, isn’t this nice.  All of us here together.”
                Daddy said,
“It certainly is. So, Luke, how did your surgery go? Everything is okay?”
                “Uh, yeah, we
were about halfway through the procedure when his blood pressure bottomed out. 
I was able to stabilize him, and we finished without any more problems.”  Wow. I
couldn’t believe Luke was a doctor. I never thought that this is the road he
would end up going down. At that moment, I suddenly realized I was smiling.  I
quickly looked back at my plate, hoping no one noticed.
                “Well, thank
heavens for that.  That poor little boy is just the most precious thing,” Mama
                “Why did he
have to have surgery?” I asked, and Luke answered.
                “He had to
have an emergency appendectomy,” he said.  “Everything looked great when we
left.  He was stable, all his vitals looked good.”
                “That’s great
to see a doctor care so much for his patients,” Mama said.
                “I love all my
patients. Besides, I know his parents well, we all grew up together.  He feels
like family,” said Luke.
                Evan said,
“I’m sure you are family to them too.”  He patted Luke on the shoulder.
I could ask who his parents were, Daisy leaned toward me and said, “Kyle and
Jessica.”  Kyle Davis had been on the football team with Jack and Luke, and
Jessica Miller-well I guess its Davis now too-was one of my friends that always
followed Kyle around.  They were finally together.  And now they have a little
boy, who was unfortunately in the hospital. 
they are lucky to have a friend like you looking out for their son,” I said to
Luke, and he smiled.  We made eye contact for a brief moment, and I felt a
shiver go down my spine.  This was going to be a long dinner.
                After most of
the food was gone and we all couldn’t eat another bite, Daddy, Jack, Evan, and
Luke were leaned back all talking about which NFL teams they thought would make
the playoffs that year.  I took that as my cue to stand, and us girls started
helping clear the plates.  When we were in the kitchen, Mama said, “I still
can’t tell you how happy I am to have you home, Lil. Even if it’s only for a
little while.”
                “Well, I’m
happy to be here.”
giggled. “Yeah, you’re not the only one.  Did y’all see Luke’s mouth drop open
when Lilly walked into the dining room?” 
                Daisy rolled
her eyes and said, “Oh Vi, you always thought Luke was in love with Lilly, nothing
every happened with them.”  She looked at me and winked.  Nobody knew we ever
even kissed, let alone slept together.  I guess Luke kept quiet about it.
                “Well, it’s
just that ever since I have known him, every time Lilly’s name comes up in a
conversation, his face changes.  Sometimes he looks happy, other times he looks
like he’s thinking hard about something. Even when he was dating that Sam girl.
 I don’t think he loves her, I know he does,” Violet said.  “And
you never know what could happen, right?  Nothing like a wedding to put romance
into the air.  Who knows, maybe there might still be hope for Daisy and Jack.” 
So, Luke had had a girlfriend.  For some reason, I felt a small pang of
jealousy.  I guess I should have expected it. A gorgeous man like Luke could
probably have any woman he wants.  I can’t have expected him to be celibate all

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