The Duke of Christmas Past

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Book: Read The Duke of Christmas Past for Free Online
Authors: Kim Bowman
Tags: Paranormal, Regency, Time travel, Christmas, sweet romance, clean romance, second time around
worried since Delia
had her début that she'd somehow cause a scandal. Yet… yet… oh the
look on Lord Kringle's face when he saw you unconscious on the
floor of the conservatory — and then when he saw the chair
splintered on the floor, he turned as white as my pelisse. I could
barely contain my mirth when the poor man said, 'I say, Lady
Kringle will be in a state over her hall chair.' But when Delia
told him you'd be more than happy to reimburse him if he'd send an
itemized accounting of the damages, I had to bite my tongue to keep
from laughing out loud."
    Donovan narrowed his eyes. "She said what?"
    "Come to think of it, I believe she mentioned you'd
buy two new chairs so Lady Kringle would have a matching set."
    "Two chairs — madam, I was the injured party, in case
you've forgotten," he snapped.
    She tilted her head to the side and furrowed her
brows. "But you started it."
    "I did nothing of the sort! That imbecile Norcross
insulted me then accosted me when I had my back turned!"
    "You punched him in the nose — twice. And attacked
poor Mr. McDaniel for no reason." She tsked. "You really should
learn to control your temper."
    Donovan gritted his teeth and slapped the palm of his
left hand with his gloves. "Innocent indeed. I found him all but
having his way with my sister. What sort of man carries on secret
liaisons with innocent girls? Delia's but a child who just had her
come-out. What was I supposed to do?"
    "But he loves Delia. And she loves him."
    He snorted. "Loves her. A respectable man wouldn't
have left the Kringles' ball with her, causing a scandal."
    "Need I remind you that the scandal tonight was
entirely of your doing? And what should the poor man have done? Let
her leave alone, possibly coming to harm?"
    Bile rose in his stomach, burned. He knew all too
well what harm awaited Delia in a few short months if he didn't
find a way to set things right.
    "And furthermore, Mr. McDaniel didn't run off with
Delia, but ran after her."
    He waved his hand in the air. "Irrelevant. If what
you say is true, then the honorable thing for McDaniel to have done
is to see Delia home safely. Furthermore, I—"
    "Henry McDaniel is the fourth son of Earl Ralston.
It's commendable that he sought his own income by joining the navy.
Delia told me he asked for her hand right after her début and you
refused him—"
    "Yet he still pursues her behind my back and against
my wishes!"
    "Has he any other choice?"
    "He—" Donovan clamped his mouth shut and slapped his
leg with his gloves. Trying to reason with Tess was proving to be
as effective as arguing with Past Duke.
    She sighed. "I do believe you've taken it into your
head to dislike Mr. McDaniel for no other reason than his affection
for Delia."
    "That's preposterous! I—"
    The carriage lurched. Donovan's head bumped against
the window. He hissed and let out a curse, grabbing the back of his
    Tess leaned forward and picked up his hat, placing it
on her seat. Then she crossed to sit beside him and pulled off her
gloves. Her soft fingers gripped his head and pushed his chin
aside. "Let me see. You really should have permitted Lord Kringle
to send for the doctor."
    The gentle touch of her fingers as she ran them
through his hair and inspected his injury made him shiver. Her warm
breath against his neck sent an electric current pulsing through
him, making him forget the throbbing in his head. Innocent though
her ministrations were, the passion they aroused combined with the
eight years of pining after her had him burning with desire. The
dam broke, and the floodgate of suppressed emotions and sensual
craving swept logic and willpower away. He twisted and pressed her
against the seat.
    A surprised gasp escaped her. Even in the dim light
of the carriage, Donovan could tell her eyes widened and her mouth
fell open. His gaze rested on her full, voluptuous lips.
    "Is it true you've turned down every marriage
proposal you've received?"
    "Wh-who told you that?"
    "Delia mentioned

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