it. I didn't even know I liked eggnog before this." That got her to smile as he finished that container too. There was a cookie at the bottom. Like a toy surprise. It got him to chuckle a bit as he ate it, trying to chop it apart with the side of the spoon.
The rest were good too, but some of them were a little strange. One was basically strawberry shortcake, which was a Japanese tradition. His grandmother always made one for Christmas Eve, so he got what Lenore was going for. The strawberries made him want to melt, because he hadn't had real fruit in nearly forever, but it wasn't exactly right, he didn't think.
"Save this one for summer. Maybe try one with blueberries too, you know, red white and blue? To go with Independence Day."
The woman looked at him seriously, even making notes in a little notebook when he said things a few times.
In the end they ended up with a very fresh peppermint and chocolate dish, with dust made from candy cane, the eggnog and cookie one and one that turned out to be a plum pudding with custard frozen yoghurt over the top. It didn't sound like it should be very good, but it was delicious. It was like he could feel the spices trying to merge with his system.
"Thank you. It's so hard for me to tell what things taste like, not eating them. May I run other things past you as well?" She looked eager enough and while it might have been about fattening him up as Mirror Him kept saying, he actually needed it. That could have been the reason too, since he'd been nearly starving for so long it was kind of apparent.
"I'd be happy to. These were all really good. Better than what people are actually paying for I think."
She waved her right hand a little and took the tray back, a smile on her lips. They were red, which was lipstick he noticed, her face looking slightly flush thanks to blush, her natural color contrasting with it a little more than normal, being so pale compared to a living person.
"Edom mentioned that there was some small problem in the parking lot when he came in last night?" It was leading, her face looking concerned, as if worried he was hurt.
He nodded, letting his shoulders come up a bit.
"Is that the Vampire that helped me out? Well dressed, dark skin, fangs kind of like yours? Not as cute as you, of course." He winced a little after he said it, since he really hadn't meant to add the last bit, the truth just pouring out like it did.
She looked a little shocked, "I wasn't aware that you knew what we were. Did Lisa mention it? I would have sworn that she was too preoccupied yesterday. The store looks much improved however. Very much. It smells less like a tomb as well. More like a perfume shop now, thanks to all the scented candles. Not too strong, thankfully. That could be a problem, with our shop being just across the way."
The woman stared at him hard for a few moments, but didn't seem upset of anything, just curious. "So, you weren't harmed... and don't need to file a complaint? It was a very unfortunate incident, but I assure you that it wasn't a sanctioned action. Those responsible will be fined and spoken to most harshly for their trespass."
That got him to blink.
"Um... I'm fine, no one touched me. They scared that woman, which was pretty bad. I mean, if they keep doing things like that, the police will have to come and check the area constantly and too many things around here would confuse them, which could cause problems. Too late to fix that part now." He didn't know what else to say about it. The whole thing had been scary, but it wasn't her fault.
"Edom mentioned that part as well, that there were three of them, all moving many times faster than you were and that none of them managed to even brush your skin. That shows remarkable skill." She grinned, a hint of fang showing in it, since she didn't have to try and hide it as hard now. "Good then. I can go back to my work safe in the knowledge that you won't be filing endless complaints. It's within your rights,
Elle Christensen, K Webster