delight. "They're beautiful!" Her assistant brought a bouquet of flowers and small package to her desk. "Look what just arrived for you. Who are they from?" Her attention quickly shifted to Tyler. "Oh, Dr. Logan. Jill gave me some questions I need to ask you to prepare the press for you."
Tyler's gaze was on the flowers. "Who sent them?"
"I don't know," she murmured, opening the card and wishing she didn't have an audience. It read: "Don't forget. Think about my offer. Love, Gordon."
"Oh," she said, unable to swallow her sigh. She had already thought about his offer and told him she wasn't ready for a long-term commitment with him even though she knew Gordon was what she'd said she wanted. He was kind, stable, not interested in having children, and he wasn't a flirt.
"Who sent them?" Tyler asked, walking over to the desk and touching a few of the roses in the arrangement.
Jill wished he would move away from her, she thought with a tinge of resentment as every inch of his six foot body emanated curiosity. She wished he would back off. Like maybe to Oklahoma. Maybe then her heart wouldn't jump and sputter. "My boss," she said, putting the arrangement on the other side of her desk so Tyler would keep his hands off it.
"I wish my boss would send me flowers like that," Trina said wistfully, then glanced at Tyler. "I wish anyone would send me flowers like that."
"He often sends flowers to us when we start a new out-of-town assignment," Jill said.
"What does the card say?" Tyler asked.
Jill blinked. "Why do you need to know?"
"Just curious."
"You still have a package to open," Trina said. "Let me get those questions, Dr. Logan."
Trina was back in a flash while Jill tore the paper.
"What is your favorite food?"
"I have two. Steak and ice cream. How did you like the Blue Bell ice cream I brought you last night?" he asked Jill.
Feeling Trina's curious gaze, she cleared her throat. "It was delicious. Thank you."
"Did you save any for me?"
She shook her head, feeling sheepish. She had felt incredibly deprived after Tyler had left, so it had been easy for her to polish off the double portion of ice cream.
"You ate all of it?" he asked incredulously.
She smiled. "When it comes to ice cream, it's every man for himself, or woman for herself."
"Your favorite extracurricular activities?" Trina interjected.
"Visiting my family ranch," Tyler said. "I don't have much time for that, let alone anything else. And I like to two-step with the right woman."
"I like to two-step, too," Trina said.
Jill rolled her eyes. "I can't."
"What's your favorite color?"
Jill felt his gaze on her from head to toe.
"Navy-blue," he said with the devil in his eyes.
She was wearing navy-blue. Her heart skipped a beat, and she turned her attention to the package and opened it.
"Your favorite music?"
"Country, of course," Tyler said.
Jill stared down at the framed photo of her boss and felt her stomach sink. "Don't forget me," a small slip of his notepaper said. When Trina and Tyler craned to see it, she quickly folded the note in her palm.
Tyler lifted an eyebrow. "Who is that?"
"Uh, my boss," Jill said, wishing she could make Tyler and her assistant disappear.
"Really?" Trina studied the photo. "He looks a little stiff."
"Think so?" Tyler said with a slight snicker. "Looks like a fun guy to me."
Gordon's face was so solemn he almost looked funereal. Jill put the photo on the opposite corner of her desk and defended him. "Gordon is a gentleman, very stable, and he isn't a flirt."
"Sounds like an old gelding my brother has at the ranch," Tyler said.
Trina giggled.
Jill gave her a withering glance and resisted the urge to stomp her foot and scream. In the space of five minutes, her peaceful office had turned into a three-ring circus.
Trina's phone rang, relieving her of one of the rings.
Jill turned back to Tyler. "You had a question about your modeling assignment?"
"Yeah, but I'd also like to know more about Gordie, here," he
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