making it sound .
Sure I did not know him, but it was different , she thought. He was special. It was not as if I had been with more than one guy. That mattered. It did.
“I normally go shopping or watch some shows,” Darcienna said tight lipped.
“Is that all?” Kade asked teasingly. “You and some of your friends did not go out for some fun?” he pressed playfully, missing the dangerous tone.
“No,” Darcienna said firmly. She tried to hide her anger but the implications were grating on her. “I don’t have any friends in Corbin.”
“You did not shop the whole time. What else did you do?” Kade asked, oblivious to the storm that was brewing directly behind him.
“I already told you that I met a man when I was there the last time. What else do you want me to tell you?” Darcienna asked tersely. She immediately regretted her frustration. He really had not done anything wrong besides be oblivious, as all men are.
Kade sobered instantly as he remembered the other man she had talked about. Why did it bother him all of a sudden? He was teasing her and implying that she might have fun meeting people, but now that she had, indeed, done what he was implying, he found himself becoming agitated. The ache that slowly built in his heart made him regret his line of questioning. He was trying to decide how to crush this jealous feeling that was building in him when he paused, sensing he was missing something. There was a piece of a puzzle that just would not fall into place. It was right there. Something about her. Something she was just saying. Maybe the way she was saying it?
“Kade, what’s wrong?” Darcienna asked, sensing his mood change.
“Nothing,” Kade said as he tried to grasp what was right in front of him, and then it all evaporated like it was never there.
Darcienna considered pressing but decided it would be best if they left it alone. They rode in silence for a while, each in their own thoughts. Kade was deep in his own mind, trying to grasp what he was missing. It felt important, but why? Darcienna started to wonder if she had said something that might have angered him. She was considering asking him, but after a few moments of consideration, she decided to drop it. If he wanted to talk with her about what he was thinking, he would. Little did she know he was still trying to grasp what was eluding him. Finally, he shrugged his shoulders and gave up as his stomach grumbled. Darcienna started to fidget at that moment, shifting several times, trying to find a comfortable position to sit without success. After a few moments of this, Kade turned to look at her.
“You okay ?” Kade asked as he saw a pained look on her face.
“Kade, I know we need to get to Valdry as soon as possible, but my legs are cramping horribly and my backside is killing me,” Darcienna said as she shifted again while grimacing. Kade narrowed his eyes in thought as he replayed the call for help in his mind. He was about to pl ead for her to suffer just a little longer when she continued. “Kade, we need rest. And, we have no way of knowing who it was that was calling to you.” This last brought Kade up short.
“It never occurred to me that it would be anyone other than Valdry,” Kade said as he looked into her eyes.
“It could even be a trap. You just don’t know. I think we should rest for the night and start fresh tomorrow. Besides, I am starving.”
“You make an excellent point. Okay, I think this is a good place to rest,” Kade said as he brought the dragon to a stop. “We have about eight more hours of dark, so we shouldn’t be