The Defeated Aristocrat

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Book: Read The Defeated Aristocrat for Free Online
Authors: Katherine John
Tags: Fiction, thriller, Suspense, Historical, Crime, Mystery, Murder, Amateur Sleuths
the way Peter and Martha were looking at one another the news wasn’t good.
    ‘It’s your sister Lotte’s husband,’ Martha began. ‘He returned last November. I know the front was terrible, but it hasn’t been easy here. Anton’s father went bankrupt and lost everything last summer.’
    ‘The estate … the house … the farms?’ Wolf was shocked. Anton’s father’s estate had been twice the size of Lichtenhagen.
    ‘Everything,’ Martha reiterated. ‘He couldn’t stand the disgrace so he shot himself. The bank evicted Lotte, the children, and her mother-in-law. Lotte asked Franz if they could come here, he refused, but Martin and Ludwiga offered them a home in Gebaur Strasse. Anton returned two days after his mother died. Martin said it was a heart attack. Broken heart more like it, in my opinion. As Anton had no prospect of finding work Pippi’s father arranged for him to join the police …’ Martha faltered and struggled to get the words out. ‘Anton was murdered.’
    Wolf recalled the newspaper articles. ‘When?’
    ‘They found his body last Saturday. I’m sorry, Wolf, this is a poor homecoming. First Gretel and Franz. Now this. I know you liked Anton,’ Martha sympathized.
    ‘He was a good brother-in-law, friend, and comrade. He fought bravely.’
    ‘Anton would have been with us when we were captured if he’d been fit enough to leave the field hospital,’ Peter observed.
    ‘If he had, he’d have come home with us today.’
    ‘Pippi and I paid a condolence visit as soon as we heard,’ Martha continued. ‘Lotte’s taken it hard. She and the girls will be glad to see you, Wolf.’
    “The girls” – his nieces Karin and Christa would be six and eight. ‘When is the funeral?’
    ‘A week tomorrow. A German even has to queue to get buried these days, and not only because the ground’s hard to dig because of this frost. So many people are dying from cold and hunger the pastors are hard pressed to keep up with demand for their services.’
    ‘We’ll go together, Wolf. I’ll let the others know. They’ll all want to be there. It’s so damned unfair …’
    ‘I’ll have none of your soldier’s language in this house or in front of the children,’ Martha admonished Peter.
    ‘Sorry,’ Peter apologised.
    Wolf rose from the bench. ‘I have to see Lotte.’
    Martha glanced at the clock on the wall. ‘There won’t be another train into the city until morning. After the funeral you should both stay here. Rest, take it easy, allow Pippi and me to fatten you up.’
    ‘I need to start earning so I can buy Pippi, you, and the children new clothes,’ Peter countered.
    ‘There’s nothing in the shops at prices people can afford. The country’s…’
    ‘Bankrupt? Defeated?’ Peter broke in. ‘Wolf and I know. We’re the ones who lost the war.’ He gripped Pippi’s hand. Her arms were wrapped around his waist as if she was afraid to let him go. Their children and Heinrich were behind her. ‘Whatever we decide, it’s too late to do anything tonight other than eat and sleep, Wolf.’
    ‘I stoked the fire under the boiler in the wash house earlier to bathe the children. They can wait until tomorrow. Why don’t you two use the hot water while Pippi and I make you cutlets with sauerkraut, fried potatoes, and onions?’
    ‘Mother, you’re a genius.’ Peter kissed Martha.
    ‘You have cutlets?’ Wolf asked.
    ‘Boar cutlets. Gunther went out hunting with the men two days ago.’
    ‘There’s potato soup to start and apple cakes in the pantry that I made yesterday from the last in the hay loft.’ Pippi shook her head at Peter and Wolf. ‘You’re filthy. Those uniforms are beyond salvaging. I’ll air the clothes you left, Peter. I should find something that will fit both of you.’
    ‘I have my own clothes in the castle,’ Wolf reminded.
    ‘After five years in storage they’ll be damp, Wolf. Do you want me to look for them?’ Martha asked.
    ‘They can

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