The Defeated Aristocrat

Read The Defeated Aristocrat for Free Online

Book: Read The Defeated Aristocrat for Free Online
Authors: Katherine John
Tags: Fiction, thriller, Suspense, Historical, Crime, Mystery, Murder, Amateur Sleuths
and is lording it in the castle? He countermands every decision Gunther Jablonowski makes. If Franz would only listen to Gunther …’
    Gunther Jablonowski had been Wolf’s father’s steward, an appointment Wolf had endorsed when he’d inherited Waldschloss.
    ‘Franz could never resist meddling in things he knows nothing about.’
    ‘If you’re to have anything left to hand over to your son when the time comes, you’d better order Franz to leave the running of the estate to Gunther.’
    ‘I don’t understand. How has Franz taken charge of the castle and the estate?’
    ‘He made an application to the courts in Gretel’s name that challenged your will.’
    ‘On what grounds?’
    ‘You didn’t leave your widow enough money to live on.’
    ‘That’s rubbish. I left Gretel well provided for and the estate in trust to Heinrich. Besides, even if I hadn’t, Franz isn’t next in line. Where’s Martin?’
    ‘In Konigsberg.’
    ‘He didn’t want the castle and estate?’
    ‘He wasn’t asked whether he wanted them or not. As I understand the situation, by using Gretel’s name and arguing that she should have inherited the estate, not your brothers and sisters, Franz effectively prevented your family from mounting a legal case until Gretel’s claim was settled.’
    ‘Wilhelm, Paul …’
    ‘They volunteered.’
    ‘Idiots. Are they all right?’
    ‘They survived. They were sent to the Russian border in 1917. As the Russians were too busy fighting each other to attack us then, the twins had an easier time than you and Peter.’
    ‘They’re back?’
    ‘Martin made them re-enrol in the university. Wilhelm’s supposed to be studying architecture, Paul law, but from what I’ve heard most of their studying seems to be in beer cellars. Liesl’s in Allenstein. She’s training to be a nurse and living in nurses’ quarters in the hospital there.’
    ‘You’ve seen them?’
    ‘In Gebaur Strasse. Liesl spent Christmas with Martin. The twins are having trouble settling down.’
    ‘That’s not surprising after being in the trenches.’ Whichever way Wolf turned, the responsibility that came with being head of the family lurked, waiting to crush him.
    ‘So, now you’re back, you’ll turn Franz and Gretel off the estate and out of the castle?’
    ‘Even if I could, I’m not sure I want to.’
    Martha’s eyes narrowed. ‘You don’t mean that. You’re the eldest. The estate is your birth right. It doesn’t just belong to you and the von Maus. Dozens of families have served you, your father, and your ancestors faithfully for centuries. They’re entitled to more consideration and better treatment than Franz is meting out.’
    ‘After five years of making decisions that killed men, including my friends, all I want is peace and quiet.’
    ‘You won’t find a more peaceful or quieter place than Lichtenhagen.’
    ‘Here, I’ll have the responsibility of providing wages and food for the workers. That’s not going to be easy given the mess Germany’s in. Why is Martin living in Konigsberg?’
    ‘He didn’t let his weak eyes and club foot get in the way of his studies. He qualified as a doctor two years ago. He married last year. You’ll like Ludwiga. She’s a nurse, a few years older than Martin but a thoroughly good woman and, more importantly, good for him. They’re renting the house in Gebaur Strasse. Martin has set up a practice there.’
    ‘Renting? From who?’
    ‘Franz is charging our brother rent for a family property!’ For the first time in years Wolf felt anger. The sensation was so unexpected he didn’t recognise it at first.
    ‘If you want help to tackle Franz, I’m your man.’ Peter leaned against the door.
    Still angry, Wolf retorted, ‘I can sort out my brother, but thank you for offering.’
    ‘I’m leaving for Konigsberg first thing tomorrow to ask for my job back.’
    ‘Pippi told you?’ Martha asked him.
    ‘Told you what?’ Wolf knew from

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