The Curse of the Mistwraith
aloud; but worry allowed no chink for regret. The gaunt old sorcerer waited in stillness with the breath stopped in his throat.
    The listener opened distant eyes. By the outburst and the expression on his master’s face, he became one of the few to discover how deeply the high mage loved his daughter’s s’Ffalenn bastard. He phrased his answer with extreme tact.
    ‘I see a place in constant motion, but lightless. It smells of canvas, mould and damp.’ But the listener mentioned nothing of the pain, hunger and thirst also encountered in that place. Why grieve a lonely man’s heart when for hours Arithon’s condition had not altered, except for a brief visit by a prince who wore the gold on blue of Amroth?
    The listener closed his eyes once more. What words could tell an ageing man that his beloved grandson had tried to provoke his own death? Did phrases exist that could soften the despair behind such an act; that a king’s blind hatred for a wife’s transgressions might fall upon the hapless flesh of her son ?
    The listener misliked delivering ill news without a promise of hope. He slipped back into trance, braced to endure Arithon’s misery until he gleaned some small fact to lighten the grandfather’s distress. Far off, beyond the shudder of ship’s planking and the foaming splash of seawater, the high mage’s restless steps resumed.
    Sunrise shone livid red through the tower windows. Gaunt as a crow in his dark robe, the high mage stopped with his heart chilled by foreboding.
    The listener stiffened. Brown eyes sprang open in a face blanched like fine linen. ‘Dharkaron have mercy.’
    ‘The news is bad,’ said the high mage. ‘Tell me quickly.’
    The listener drew a shaking breath and looked up. His hands knotted helplessly. ‘Arithon is imprisoned aboard a warship of Amroth. He tried with all his will to avoid surrender to the king’s justice alive. His effort failed. His captors have drugged him senseless. They intend to keep him passive until their ship can deliver him to Port Royal.’
    The features of the high mage hardened like a carving blasted by wind. Behind blank, stunned eyes, his mind locked on the memory of a black-haired boy at the moment he mastered his first lesson of illusionary magic.
    ‘But it works like music!’ Alight with the wonder of discovery, a grandson’s trusting joy had absolved in an instant all the anguish of a daughter’s youthful death.
    The high mage clung to the rough stone of the sill. ‘Arithon is the most gifted apprentice I have ever trained.’ The listener’s hand settled lightly on the elder man’s shoulder in comfort. The touch was shrugged off in irritation. ‘ Do you know what that boy renounced when he left to accept his father’s inheritance ?’
    The high mage directed his words through the window, as if the breakers which crashed on the rocks beneath could hear and respond to his pain. Harshly, he continued. ‘If Arithon suffers harm, Amroth’s king will wish Fate’s Wheel could turn backward, and past actions be revoked. I will repay every cruelty, in kind , on the mind and body of his firstborn.’
    ‘Who is also your grandson!’ cried the listener, frantic to avert the anger behind the high mage’s threat. But the entreaty fell upon ears deaf to all but the sigh of the breeze off the sea.
    Summoned by the officer on sea watch, Amroth’s senior admiral counts sails as his returning war-fleet breasts the horizon beyond Port Royal; and when the tally reaches nine, he curses s’Ffalenn for eight more delayed, destroyed or captured…
    Aboard the warship Briane a healer sucks greedily at a rum flask in a vain attempt to dull the screams as drug-induced nightmares torment the man held captive in the sail-hold…
    Under misty skies, in another place, a world awaits with a prophecy five centuries old, and not even its most wise yet know that a prince and a prisoner hold all hope for deliverance between them…


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