said firmly. 'You're more important. I've got another full day with Grant Thorn tomorrow, but I 'll figure something out.'
So it'sjust gonna be me and Caruso again? I 'll need to buy some more batteries.'
Eddie's face twisted in mock disgust. 'Christ, your jokes are getting as gross as mine.'
Well, they say married couples start to act more like each other, don't they?' She managed a sort-of smile, then glanced towards the bedroom door. Y'know, there's something else married couples are supposed to do. It 's been a few days . . .'
I'd love to,' he said, rubbing his eyes, 'but I 'm really, really knackered. And if I've got to keep an eye on Grant until Christ knows when tomorrow, I 'll need a decent night's sleep.'
Oh.' She tried to conceal her disappointment. 'Well, maybe in the morning, hmm? Rev me up before I go to the UN.'
I've . . . got to work.' He made a show of yawning to cover up his evasiveness. Grant wants to buy a suit for some religious thing tomorrow.
Considering how much he parties, I wouldn't have taken him for the religious type.'
It's not a real religion, it's some daft cult thing. The Osirian Temple, it's called.
Nina was surprised by the coincidence. 'Yeah? Huh. They're co-funding the dig at the Sphinx.'
Must be doing all right for themselves, then. No shortage of idiots with money.' Some things never change.
Eddie smiled, then got up. I want a shower before we go to bed. Are you okay?' She slumped back on the couch. For now? Yeah. Long term? Not so sure.
Something'11 come up,' he assured her. Tm sure of it.
How are vou sure?' He had no answer to that.
Nina gazed up at the dark glass slab of the United Nations' Secretariat Building with a glum sense of trepidation. ]t was over seven months since she had last set foot in the UN; seven months since she had been acrimoniously 'suspended' - more accurately, 'fired' - by the new director of the International Heritage Agency, and in truth a large part of her didn't want to return to the scene of her humiliation.
She touched the pendant hanging from her neck for luck, then, steeling herself, headed inside
The elevator ride seemed to take longer than she remembered, the elevator itself somehow more confined, airless. Things were no better when she emerged and was buzzed through the security door. Even though she told herself that the reception area couldn't possibly have changed in seven months, there were enough subtle differences to render it disconcertingly unfamiliar.
One thing had not changed, though - the figure behind the reception desk. 'Dr Wilde!' cried Lola Gianetti, jumping up to greet her. 'Or is it Dr Chase now?
'It's still Wilde,' Nina told the big-haired blonde as they embraced. 'I wanted to keep my professional name. Although it might have made it easier for me to find a new job if I'd changed it.'
'So how's Eddie?' Lola gestured at the ring on Nina's left hand. 'How was the wedding?
'Spur of the moment. Which Eddie's grandmother still hasn't forgiven us for. She wanted a trip to New York.' Nina smiled, then her expression became more serious. 'How are you?'
'Recovered. More or less.' Lola glanced down at her abdomen, where she had been stabbed - in the very room where they were standing - seven months before.
'It must have been hard coming back to work.'
'It was . . . weird. For a while.' Lola shrugged, a little too casually. But I love the job, so . . .' She hesitated, glancing towards the offices, and lowered her voice. To be honest, I don't love it so much any more.'
'Rothschild?' Nina asked.
Lola nodded. You were a much better boss. Now it's all about who can suck up to her the most. And money.
That's part of why I'm here. Roger Hogarth couldn't make it, so he asked me to come in his place. And Eddie nagged me into it as well.'
I see.' Lola returned to her computer. Professor Rothschild's in a videoconference with Dr Berkeley, but they don't usually take more than fifteen minutes. Her meeting with Professor