The Cradle King

Read The Cradle King for Free Online

Book: Read The Cradle King for Free Online
Authors: Alan Stewart
Tags: History, Biography, Non-Fiction, Christian
Lucy, Countess of
    Bellarmine, Cardinal Robert; Responsio
    Bellenden, Sir Lewis
    Bettenson, Sir Richard, of Essex
    Bèze, Théodore de; Icones
    Bible, new translation of
    Bille, Steen
    Bilson, Thomas, Bishop of Winchester
    Black, David, minister
    Black, John, minister
    Black Acts
    Blackature, Captain William
    Blackburn, Peter, Bishop of Aberdeen
    Blackwell, George, Archpriest
    Blackwood, Adam
    Blount, Charles, Lord Mountjoy, later Earl of Devonshire
    Blyth, Helene
    Bodleian Library, Oxford
    Boig, George
    Boig, John
    Boleyn, Anne, Queen of England
    Borthwick Castle
    Bothwell, Francis, fifth Earl of, see Stewart, Francis Hepburn
    Bothwell, Jean, Countess of, see Gordon, Lady Jean
    Bothwell, James, fourth Earl of, see Hepburn, James
    Bothwell, John, laird of Holyroodhouse
    Bowes, Robert
    Boy, Jerome
    Boyd, James, Bishop of Glasgow
    Brahe, Tygo (Tycho); De nova stella
    Brett, Arthur
    Brig o’ Dee
    British Library
    Brokkes, William
    Brooke, George, conspirator with Ralegh
    Brooke, William, Lord Cobham
    Brouncker, Sir Henry
    Bruce, Edward, Abbot of Kinloss, later Lord Kinloss
    Bruce, Sir George
    Bruce, Harry
    Bruce, Robert, intermediary with Spain
    Bruce, Robert, minister
    Buccleuch, Border nobleman
    Buchanan, George; Baptistes; De jure regni apud Scotos; Rerum Scotiarum historia
    Burgh, Thomas, Lord
    Burghley, William, Lord, see Cecil, Sir William
    Caithness; Bishop of, see Gledstanes, George
    Calderwood, David, minister; quarrel with James
    Calvert, Sir George
    Calvert, Samuel
    Cambridge, University of
    Camden, William
    Campbell, Archibald (d. 1573), Earl of Argyll
    Campbell, Archibald (d. 1638), Earl of Argyll
    Campbell, Colin, Earl of Argyll
    Campion, Thomas
    Carberry Hill
    Carey, Henry, first Lord Hunsdon
    Carey, Sir Robert
    Carey, Valentine, Dean of St Paul’s
    Carleton, George
    Carlisle, James, Earl of, see Hay, James
    Carmichael, James, minister of Haddington
    Carr, kinsman of Robert Carr
    Carr, Robert, later Viscount Rochester, Earl of Somerset; meets James; becomes James’s favourite; rise of; courts Frances Howard; friendship with Overbury; commission into Essex/Howard marriage; marries Frances Howard; continued rise; resents Villiers; quarrels with James; asks for indemnification; promotes Bilson; implicated in Overbury murder; trial and sentence of
    Carwood, Margaret
    Cary, Sir George
    Casaubon, Isaac
    Cassillis, Gilbert, Earl of, see Kennedy, Gilbert
    Castelnau de Mauvissière
    Castilian Band
    Catesby, Robert
    Catherine de Bourbon
    Cawbraith, James
    Cecil, Sir Robert, later Viscount Cranborne, Earl of Salisbury; relations with James in Scotland; laments James’s regime; as Principal Secretary, as James’s ‘beagle’; becomes Earl of Salisbury; and Gunpowder Plot; as Lord Treasurer; and the Great Contract; 1610 Parliament; illness and death of; posthumous attacks on
    Cecil, Sir William, later Lord Burghley
    Chaderton, Laurence
    Chamberlain, John
    Chancery, Court of
    Chapel Royal
    Charles, Prince, later Charles I, King of England; birth of; guardianship of; as sickly child; becomes Prince of Wales; marriage plans for; relations with Villiers; relations with James; trip to Spain; return to England; and 1624 Parliament; as the ‘rising sun’; and French marriage negotiations; becomes King; marries Henrietta Maria; fall and execution of
    Charles IX, King of France
    Chaseabout Raid, the
    Christian IV, King of Denmark
    Christiana, Princess of France
    Christiensen, Anders
    Church of England
    Chytræus, Nathan
    Civil War, English
    Clayton, Ralph
    Clement VIII, Pope; James’s letter to
    Clerke, Edward
    Cobham, William, Lord, see Brooke, William
    Cockburn, Captain
    Coke, Sir Edward; Reports
    Coke, Roger
    Colville, John
    Combe Abbey (Warwickshire)
    Common Law, English
    Confederate Lords
    Confession of Faith
    Conway, Sir Edward
    Corona Regia
    Cottington, Francis
    Cotton, Sir Robert
    Council of Wales
    Council of War
    Craig, John,

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