Palatine; marriage negotiations of; marries Elizabeth; approached by Bohemia; seeks James’s advice; accepts Bohemian throne; enters Prague; denounced by James; flees Prague; continues to fight
Frederick Henry, son of Elizabeth and Frederick
Fuentes, Count
Fuller, Nicholas
Fyvie, Alexander, Lord President, see Seton, Alexander
Galloway, Patrick
Gammel Sellohe (Norway)
Giustinian, Zorzi
Glamis, Thomas, Master of, see Lyon, Thomas
Glamis Castle
Glasgow; University of
Glasgow, Bishop of, see Boyd, James; Montgomery, Robert; Law, James
Gledstanes, George, Bishop of Caithness, later Archbishop of St Andrews
Glencairn, Alexander, fifth Earl of, see Cunningham, Alexander
Glenlivet, battle of
Golden Act
Goodman, Godfrey
Goodwin, Sir Francis
Gordon, George, fourth Earl of Huntly
Gordon, George, fifth Earl of Huntly
Gordon, George, sixth Earl of Huntly; part of Gowrie’s faction; becomes Privy Councillor; rise of; correspondence with Spain; imprisoned; favoured by James; James’s attack on; at Brig o’ Dee; murder of Moray; Spanish Blanks affair; son of
Gordon, Father James
Gordon, Lady Jean, Countess of Bothwell
Gordon, Sir Patrick, of Auchindoun
Gordons, the
Goring, Sir George
Gowrie Plot
Graham, Sir James, patron of Villiers
Graham, John, Earl of Montrose
Graham, Ritchie
Gray, Nanis
Gray, Patrick, Master of; fall of
Greames, Richard
Great Contract
Gregory XV, Pope
Gresley, Walsingham
Greville, Fulke
Grey, Katherine
Grey, Thomas, Lord
grievances, parliamentary
Guise, duc de
Gunnarrssøn, Halvard
Gunpowder Plot
Hackerston, Captain
Hacket, John
Hall, John
Hamilton, John, Archbishop of St Andrews
Hamilton, Lord Claud
Hamilton, James, second Earl of Arran, Duke of Châtelhérault; widow of
Hamilton, James, of Bothwellhaugh
Hamilton, James, Marquis of
Hamilton, Lord John
Hamiltons, the
Hampton Court
Hampton Court Conference
Hamsfort, Cornelius
Harding, John
Harington, Sir John
Harington, Sir John, of Exton
Harrison, Stephen
Harvey, William
Hatfield House
Hatton, Christopher
Hay, Francis, eighth earl of Errol
Hay, Sir James, later Viscount Doncaster, Earl of Carlisle
Hay, John
Hay, Robert
Hayes, surgeon
Hegy, Andrew
Hemmingsen, Niels
Henderson, Andrew
Henderson, William
Henri III, King of France
Henri of Navarre, later Henri IV, King of France
Henrietta Maria, Princess of France, later Queen of England; negotiations to marry Charles; marries Charles
Henry, King of Scots (Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley); marries Mary; proclaimed King of Scots; attacked by Knox; Chaseabout Raid; quarrels with Mary; jealousy towards Riccio; signs bond against Riccio; and Riccio’s murder; escapes with Mary to Dunbar; rumours of divorce; birth of James; embarrassing behaviour of; deteriorating relations with Mary; at James’s baptism; falls ill; moved to Kirk o’Field; murder of
Henry VI, King of England
Henry VIII, King of England
Henry Frederick, later Prince of Wales; birth of; baptism of; raised at Stirling; Basilikon Doron dedicated to; James’s letter to (1603); Anna attempts to remove from Stirling; popular with the English; chivalric interests of; increasing independence of; becomes Prince of Wales and Earl of Chester; moves into St James’s Palace; marriage plans for; illness and death of; funeral of; posthumous reputation of
Henry Julius, Duke of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel
Hepburn, James, fourth Earl of Bothwell; marries Mary, Queen of Scots
Herbert, Sir Philip, later Earl of Montgomery
Herbert, Earl of Pembroke
Hermitage Castle
Herries, John, fourth Lord, see Maxwell, Sir John
Herries, Dr
Hertford, Edward, Earl of, see Seymour, Edward
Hewatt, Peter, minister
Hiegait, William
Hobbes, Thomas
Hoby, Sir Edward
Holles, Gervase
Holles, Sir John
Holyroodhouse, Palace of; Bothwell’s raids on
Holyrood, Abbey of
Home, Sir George, of Sprot, later Earl of Dunbar
Hooker, Richard; Of the