The Bride Found

    * * *

    Jamie turned to greet Topper Wade, who ran toward him as though his life depended on it. “Topper? Are you okay?”
    “A wire for you.” He stopped in front of him and panted as he handed him an envelope. “From Mr. Simmonds.”

    Jamie’s eyes widened as he took the note. Glancing at the text, Jamie had to read it three times for it to register. He swore and shoved the note into his pocket. “Topper, I need to speak with Christine. Do you know where she is?”
    “Yes, sir. She’s inside the house.”
    Jamie laid his hand on Topper’s shoulder. “I need your help. Come with me.”
    Jamie led Topper inside and the butler informed them the ladies were in the parlor. “Thank you, Daniel.”
    Pushing the door open, Jamie forced a smile and made his way to Sophie. She grinned up at him and stood for a kiss.
    “Hi, honey. What are you doing here?”
    Jamie kissed her quickly and then settled her back on the sofa. “I had a minute, so I thought I’d come and see my girl.”
    Sophie sighed and sank further into the settee. “I love having you so close.”
    Jamie caught Christine’s eye and mouthed, “ I need to speak with you .” He turned back to Sophie and sat next to her.
    Christine rose to her feet. “Wel , I’m going to speak with Mary about something to eat. Are you hungry, Sophie?”

    Sophie shook her head and wrinkled her nose.
    Jamie frowned. “Are you feeling sick?”
    Sophie rol ed her eyes. “Always. I’m not real y digging this pregnancy thing.”
    Christine left the room and Jamie wil ed himself not to jump up and fol ow. He laid his hand on Sophie’s bel y. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. It should be over soon.”
    “Jamie, we should get back,” Topper said and then smiled at Sophie.
    “Right.” Jamie leaned over and kissed Sophie. “I’m sorry I can’t stay.”
    She waved her hand dismissively. “No worries, love. I have my book.”
    “I’ve been replaced with a book?”
    Sophie giggled. “Yes. Now, go back to work.”
    He kissed her again and fol owed Topper from the room.
    “Topper, go ahead and go back to the arena. I’l be there momentarily.”
    “Yes, sir.”

    Jamie sped down the hal and into the library. “Christine?”
    “I’m here.” Christine slid from behind the door. “What’s amiss?”
    Jamie pul ed the note from his pocket. “Andrew sent this.”
    Christine read the missive and let out a quiet gasp. “Could it be true?”
    Jamie started to pace. “I don’t know. But I need to find out. If it is Emma, then she’s probably scared to death. If it’s not, then Andrew’s right and Sophie’s in danger.”
    “James, what can I do?”
    He took the note from her outstretched hand. “I need you to watch Sophie like a hawk. I have to go to D.C. and find out what the he—, sorry, what the heck, is going on.”
    “Yes, I suppose you do.” Christine sighed. “She’s not going to like it.”
    “Christine, if I tel her, she’l insist on going, and if I don’t let her, she’l fol ow on her own. I just can’t risk her safety. It’s better she not know why I’m going. I’l tel her there’s a problem with one of the horses and that I’m needed.”
    “Why don’t you tel her the President has requested an audience?”

    Jamie dragged his hands down his face. “Are you kidding me? If I said that, she’d threaten death if I didn’t let her go.
    Lincoln’s her hero.”
    Christine smiled sympathetical y. “Very good point. I’l act as if I know nothing more than her, but wil keep her inside as much as I can.”
    “Thank you. Topper can help with Samson.” Jamie started to walk out the door. “Now I need to get to the train station.”
    “James, wait. If it is Emma, she’l require appropriate clothing.”
    “I didn’t think of that.”
    Christine nodded. “Why don’t I find an outfit of Sophie’s and pack it for you?”
    Jamie kissed her cheek. “You’re a lifesaver. Thank you. I’l swing by in twenty minutes to

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