The Bride Found
grab everything.”

    * * *

    During the ride to Christopher’s townhouse, Emma’s nerves threatened to break through her skin. Her entire body shook, and she forced back tears as they pul ed up in front of the red brick structure. Not one car, not one person in normal clothing had been seen as they drove down several streets in order to get to their destination.
    She saw the Capitol Building and the White House, though, so she knew she was in D.C. She just didn’t know how she got there, or whether or not she was insane. Gwen set the brake and turned to face her. “Miss Wel ington, we’re here.”
    Emma swal owed and forced a tight smile.
    Gwen took her hand and gave a gentle squeeze. “You’re safe here. I promise. My brother is an important man, and no harm wil come to you while you are under his roof.”
    Emma pul ed her hand away and nodded quickly. She turned when she felt a light touch on her elbow, and for some unknown reason, burst into tears as soon as she saw Clayton’s concerned face gazing up at her. Her glasses fogged up, so she pul ed them off and slid them between her breasts.
    Clayton reached into the buggy and lifted her into his arms.
    “Shh, you’re al right now. We’l take good care of you,” he drawled.
    The fear she’d been tamping down erupted in the form of uncontrol able sobs, and she buried her face in his neck as he carried her into the parlor.
    Gwen moved two chairs to face each other. “Set her here, Clay.”
    His arms tightened as she continued to cry and he shook his head slightly. “Let’s just give her a minute, Gwen.”
    “I’l organize some ice.”
    “Thank you.”

    * * *

    Clayton’s heart began an unexpected war with his head as he stood in the middle of the room and held Emma until her shaking subsided. Once the hiccups began, he knew the sobbing was over for now, so he settled her in one of the chairs and lifted her foot onto the other. His heart slammed into his chest at the sight of her swol en eyes and red cheeks. Handing her his handkerchief, he smiled down at her. “Everything wil be fine, Miss Wel ington.”
    Emma squeezed her eyes shut and took a deep, shaky breath. Gwen returned a few minutes later with ice wrapped in linen and settled it gently on Emma’s ankle. “There. That should help the swel ing. Are you hungry? Can I get you something to eat or drink?”
    Emma cleared her throat. “No, thank you.”

    Clayton caught Gwen’s eye. “Gwen? A moment, please?”
    He led her into the hal way and closed the door to the parlor. “What are your plans?”
    Gwen frowned. “Plans?”
    “Weren’t you supposed to return to your parents tomorrow?”
    “I can’t very wel go now, can I?”
    Clayton sighed in relief. “Thank you.”
    “I’l arrange some appropriate clothing for the lady…
    imagine walking the streets in what she’s wearing.” Gwen shuddered.
    “I’ve never seen anything like it either.” Clayton’s reaction was somewhat different than Gwen’s, but he kept his opinion to himself.
    “I’m going to retrieve some of Christopher’s whiskey for Miss Wel ington.” She wagged a finger at him. “Don’t you dare tel him.”
    Clayton chuckled. “I won’t tel a soul.”
    Gwen shuffled off toward Christopher’s office and Clayton made his way back into the parlor. Emma sat with her face toward the fire, a blank expression on her face.

    “Miss Wel ington?”
    “Hm?” She blinked and turned her head toward him.
    “Gwen is retrieving something that might help with the pain.”
    He sat in the chair opposite hers. “How are you feeling?”

    Emma winced internal y.
    How am I feeling? Well, if you must know, I’m injured far too badly to escape. I’m stuck in the Twilight Zone and I have to pee. That’s how I’m feeling.
    Instead, she muttered, “I’m fine. Thank you.”
    Clayton shifted his weight, and she thought he might touch her. Instead, he asked, “Is there anything I can get you?”
    Emma tucked a stray

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