The Boyfriend List

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Book: Read The Boyfriend List for Free Online
Authors: R.S. Novelle, Renee Novelle
Petra exclaimed, every ounce of her prim accent streaming through the words. “I
saw how you were smiling when you got his text. And I’ve seen the way you look at
him. He’s obviously into you. And he’s hot – by my standards, which are pretty high. So what’s the big freakin’ deal?”
    Reagan opened her mouth
to object, but came up short on words. In all honesty, the big deal was that
she didn’t want to get her heart broken and lose her best friend all at the
same time. And that was sure to happen if she even thought about pushing the
boundaries with Ian. She just knew it; he wasn’t a relationship kind of guy, and she had no interested in trying to change
that about him. She’d never been that kind
of girl. But she wasn’t about to admit that to Petra, for multiple reasons, but
most of all because she knew her friend was sure to have some solution to what
she considered to be a substantial predicament. And she’d rather just leave
things the way they were, it was safer that way.
    “Let’s just leave it
alone, okay?”
    But Petra wasn’t
listening any longer. “What time is it?” Her sudden urgency simultaneously
broke Reagan from her thoughts and saved her from a regretful conversation.
    “I don’t know. Late
probably. Why?”
    As Petra stood up,
searching the room frantically for her misplaced keys, Reagan picked up the
checklist she’d inadvertently left on the table. Glancing over it, she quickly
noticed that the only quality not already
marked off was “good kisser”, which neither of the girls had been daring enough
to figure out yet – not even Petra. A hint of a smile traveled over her
lips, as she considered the possibility, but she quickly reminded herself that
some things were better left to the imagination. Hadn’t she learned that lesson
      “I’ve got to go. I told Mark I’d meet up
with him for dinner.”
    “What happened to Derek?”
Reagan teased as Petra guzzled a bottle of water before snatching her purse
from the counter.
    “From the restaurant.”
    “Oh.” Petra rolled her
eyes. “Too weird.”
    “Wait, you can’t leave.” Reagan
stood up on her own wavering legs before finding her balance. “You’re drunk.”
    “No, you’re drunk.” Petra smiled. “I’m fine. Want to come with me?”
    “No, I’m not going to
third wheel your date. I’ll just stay in and make something here.”
    Tucking all of her new
checklists into a notebook, she dropped the notebook inside a bag and left it
on the edge of the counter. Petra stopped her and put a hand to her forehead in
a motherly gesture. “You? Cook? Are you feeling sick?”
      “Maybe. Why?”
    “Because you’re talking
crazy, and I don’t want to leave you alone like this.”
    Reagan let out a tired
laugh. “I’m fine. It’s the tequila.” Reagan lifted her glass to cheers her own
comment and took another long sip.
    Petra shook her head and
handed her friend a fresh water bottle. “Here, you might need this later.” Then
reluctantly moved to open the front door.
    But neither of the girls could’ve
been more surprised to find that on the other side, standing on the landing,
was Ian, who looked as though he’d just lifted his hand to knock. He was
dressed casually, with a grey V-neck shirt that hung loosely around his solid
chest and shoulders, dark jeans stretched tight across his backside just enough
to emphasize the perfectly round, perfectly tight muscle that was beneath. His
trademark, oh-so-charming smile had lit up his entire face, and the twinkle
from his dimple worked it’s way up into eyes that flirted without him having to
say a single word. And to make him even more enticing, as if that could
possibly be managed, there was a pizza box balanced precariously in in left
hand. “Special delivery.”
    “I’ll say.” Petra gave
him a thorough going over with her eyes that in no way tried to hide her appreciation
of the gorgeous specimen standing in front of her.

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