The Boyfriend List

Read The Boyfriend List for Free Online

Book: Read The Boyfriend List for Free Online
Authors: R.S. Novelle, Renee Novelle
    After considering the
statement, Petra shook her head. She couldn’t distinguish the real difference -
either way her friend was one step away from jumping into the crazy pond. However,
while she may have never heard of dating by checklist before, she could tell
Reagan needed something feasible to
hold on to right now. Something that would make her feel in control again and
take the focus off what asshole Justin had done. It certainly wasn’t going to
hurt anything really – at least, not that she could tell - so why not
join in? “Okay, why not. But we’re going to need margaritas for this.”
    She’d left no room for
debate in her statement, and had quickly jumped down from her perch, marched into
the kitchen and pulled out a full bottle of tequila from a shelf. Setting it on
the counter, she smiled back at Reagan while rummaging around for ice, mix and
a blender. “You’re going to feel so good after drinking this,” She began
pouring a generous portion of the alcohol into the pitcher, “you won’t even
remember why we started this nonsense.”
    And though she’d had her
doubts initially, about an hour later Reagan was ready to crown her friend the
queen of margarita makers. They were lying on the floor, still bent over the
laptop and notepad they’d pulled from their rooms, and exploding with giggles
at the crazy suggestions their intoxicated minds were serving up to them. Most
of the suggestions got thrown out all together, but enough had stuck out as
legitimate that they were actually making some progress, and had developed a
fairly solid list of feasible traits.
    As Reagan drained her
glass – again - she stood to her feet to pour another refill, leaving
Petra to take over at the computer. “A good kisser.” She called out from the
other room, and heard the keys clicking away. “He’s got to be a good kisser.”
    “Athletic always helps.” Petra
    “And smart. Add that one.”
She announced, peeping over the counter ledge to monitor Petra’s progress.
    “That’s boring.” Petra groaned,
but dutifully added it to the list. “Okay, whatever. I guess it means he’ll
make a lot of money.” Then she smirked up at Reagan. “How about a really big…”
    “Petra!” Reagan raced
over to delete the suggestion before Petra could finish, nearly spilling her
margarita in the process. “No.” She shook her head. “How am I going to ask a
guy that?”
    Petra shrugged, “I
would.” She was still smiling when she finally relented. “So that about does
    “Yeah, I think so.” Reagan
scanned the page in front of her. “Attractive, athletic, smart, sense of humor,
easy going, extrovert, romantic, a good kisser, honest, a good connection, and
most important of all- faithful.”
    “Good.” Petra hit the
print button and a dozen pages slowly emerged from the machine. “Now let’s learn
from your past experiences to see where you went wrong.”
    She plucked a pen from
the jar and began scribbling the names of Reagan’s ex-boyfriends at the top of
a few. Then she thrust a pen into Reagan’s hand as well. “Here, start marking.”
Guy by guy, they created a checklist for each one – though it wasn’t many
– and determined what each one possessed and what each one lacked.
    “A good kisser?” Petra
    Reagan looked at the
name. “Not that one.”
    “No? I would have thought
for sure.”
    “Yeah, me too.” Reagan
smiled ruefully. “Trust me though.”
    “Well, looks like they
were all attractive, athletic and an extrovert. One was romantic, two had a
sense of humor. But none were easy going, smart, faithful or most obviously had
a connection with you.”
    “So basically I’m just
going for the cute athletes.”
    Petra scanned the lists.
“Yep. Looks about right.”
    “Hmm…good to know. No
more of that for me.” Reagan decided. But her thoughts were interrupted by a
new text, and suddenly she couldn’t stop smiling...which of course she blamed

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