under which the current directive was forbidden. In Kennedy’s top secret memorandum (20), he outlined for Angleton specific items he wished to have disclosed to Webb, such as “[to] have the high threat cases reviewed with the purpose of identification of bona fide as opposed to the classified CIA and USAF sources (21).” Also, “that we make a clear distinction between the known and unknowns in the event the Soviets try to mistake our extended cooperation as a cover for intelligence gathering of their defense and space programs (22).”
Finally, Kennedy wanted Angleton to, “arrange a program of data sharing with NASA mission directors in their defensive responsibilities (23).” This was unprecedented and totally unacceptable to Angleton and the CIA. Here Kennedy was requesting the Central Intelligence Agency, the agency that he swore he would “break into a thousand pieces” to just hand over the most guarded secret ever.
This memo was passed on to William Colby (24) who indicated to someone in Angleton’s staff using a hand written note that said, “Response from Colby, Angleton has MJ directive” and is dated November 20, 1963, just two days before Kennedy died. It seems that Kennedy’s request bounced around from Angleton’s desk possibly seeking consensus on the request or passing the buck back to Angleton.
Aside: What really drove JFK? Did JFK already know in July 1947 as a freshmen congressman? See Footnote on last page under references.
In either case, it was a hot potato for which Angleton had to deal with. It is also significant that Kennedy’s NSAM No. 271 was the last coming from Kennedy’s desk just before he left Washington for Dallas.
What the real significance of this remains buried somewhere within the CIA, and Angleton spent many a day trying to figure out who ordered Kennedy’s execution. Was Angleton set up, or did he unintentionally supply the needed ingredient for the murder of the century (25, 26)? In either case, the secret(s) remained safe largely in part because of his relationships with Allen Dulles and Richard Helms (next chapters) who allowed him “knock-on-the-door” access thereby circumventing the structured CIA hierarchy.
The legend of James Jesus Angleton--and his “wilderness of mirrors” as he often referred to as his daunting task of protecting vital state secrets--faded into obscurity on May 11, 1987. Perhaps Jim was not the real bad guy in the counterintelligence game but, who knows (27)?
Blast from the Past: 08-29-2000
Below is the feedback received from a list of names given to Rick Doty and myself by Tim Cooper who received them from an 'anonymous source, (Anon)' claiming that a number of people/organizations were very upset over Tim Cooper's Angleton article/Chapter in book which pointed to a UFO connection (Dulles was then CIA Director and later headed the Warren Commission, very doctored evidence) for the JFK assassination.
It was very surprising to find that many of the names given to us seem to match important positions within the Intelligence Agencies.
Carl Ogelsby - Karl Ogolsby: Medical Doctor who works for the NSA in the Medical Technology Division.
Arthur Goldberg : There is a special agent Arthur Goldberg, who works in the Foreign Counterintelligence Division of the FBI, assigned to the Washington, DC field office. He was involved in the arrest of Richard Aimes, the former CIA official.
IG Farbin -This is a German Company that manufacturers a large assortment of merchandise.
Don Smoot : No information.
George Murphy : There is a person by this name employed by the DIA in DC. He works in the technology security division.
Oshner ? There is a Henry Oshner, employed by the CIA. But we have no further information on him.
It was also stated by Tim Cooper's 'anonymous source' that if Tim's Angleton report should reach
Silver Flame (Braddock Black)