Angleton for review, consideration and feedback.
MJMAJESTIC TWELVE included spin-off projects that were obviously equally sensitive activities of the CIA such as PARASITE, PARHELION, ENVIRO, PSYOP, GREEN, SPIKE, and HOUSE CLEANING. Other sensitive and covert programs could be affected as well such as MK ULTRA, ARTICHOKE and DOMESTIC all of which appear to have been valid projects associated with MJMAJESTIC TWELVE. The full implications of the above are not clear at the present time, but it is obvious that the other projects were held in readiness for some kind of mass indoctrination and deception which would be undertaken in a national crisis.
Murder, INC.
The strain mounted on the CIA by Kennedy was reaching a flash point of wills and with the Noresenko affair (13) driving Angleton to obsession, a UFO leak crisis brought new strains on Angleton. He had learned of Hollywood screen star Marilyn Monroe’s phone conversation with a New York art dealer (14) discussing Kennedy’s secret visit to an undisclosed military base to see alien artifacts (this could have been Ft. Belvoir, Annex K or Wright-Patterson AFB). With that was her disdain over the soured relationship she had endured with President Kennedy and his brother, the United States Attorney General, Robert F. Kennedy, all of which had been recorded by CIA domestic electronic surveillance experts.
Since 1955, Monroe had been under surveillance by the CIA and the FBI. They had maintained a security dossier on her because of her marriage with a well-known American writer who was suspected of having communist affiliations. They also tracked her trip to Russia and the press coverage she received while there (15).
The wiretap report also mentions nationally recognized New York syndicated reporter Dorothy Kilgallen as having conversations with Monroe regarding the Roswell UFO crash of 1947 and President Kennedy’s politically motivated NASA Apollo moon program. Dorothy Kilgallen also made headlines in 1955 when she disclosed a private conversation with a British cabinet official that UFOs were real and that the U.S. and British authorities considered the matter of the highest national importance. The significance of the wiretap was that Monroe was murdered (or was it suicide?) the following day in her Brentwood condo.
According to internationally recognized private investigator and director of the Nick Harris Detective Agency, Milo Speriglio Monroe was the victim of a national security management hit by the CIA and the MAFIA (16). The suggestion that somehow the CIA was involved in a domestic murder of an American citizen is not too far fetched when considering the past abuses coming from Angleton’s CI program of ‘absolute-security-at-any-cost’ philosophy. Whether Angleton authorized the hit is not known, but the modus operandi of the way her body was found and moved around and the fashion in which the autopsy records were changed to reflect suicide plus the theft of her secret red diary one day after her autopsy is similar to the past methods used by Angleton’s covert CIA counterintelligence operators.
Active Measures
The final straw for Angleton came when President Kennedy fired off a top-secret memorandum to him outlining a previous discussion concerning a classification review of all CIA UFO files that could affect national security. It was dated 12 November 1963, just 10 days before he would be gunned down on the streets of Dallas, TX. Kennedy informed Angleton (17) that he was setting things in motion to actually share sensitive CIA UFO intelligence data with the Russians through the director of NASA (18). This request was made on the same day he requested James Webb (19) to begin Kennedy’s peace overture to the Russians via joint space exploration.
Webb, a board member of the intelligence community, likely interpreted Kennedy’s program to mean the sharing of classified UFO data
Silver Flame (Braddock Black)