The Bet (Blazing Hearts, #1)
sore from this morning, Lexie. We’ll save that for another day.”
    Putting her bottom lip out, she pouted. “Ty, I want you. All of you. Even the side you think I don’t.”
    He stilled, remembering the look on her face when he’d first brought out the ropes. She’d been ready to go, ready to walk away from the idea of being with him. He didn’t want that. He didn’t want to scare her away.
    “I think we should finish eating and then spend the entire evening in bed,” he suggested.
    She smiled wide. “I like that idea.”
    “Lexie,” said Tyson. “I want to hold you. You’re sore and I want you to have time to adjust.”
    She whimpered. “Ty, please. I’m fine. I promise.”
    “We’ll see, hon.” He wrapped his arms around her, enjoying the feel of holding her. “Lex, we should talk about some things.”
    “You and me.”
    She twisted to face him, her arms around his neck. Her tits bounced so close to his face that it was impossible to think straight. He cleared his throat. “I think we should make our thoughts clear about us bein’ with other people.”
    A strange calm settled over her as if it were forced. “Mmmhmm?”
    “I didn’t plan on this,” he said. “On you and me like this.”
    She nodded. “I get you want to see other women. No biggie. I ran into Kaleb in town the other day, and he asked me to dinner and to a see a movie in the city.”
    Tyson saw red. He grabbed her chin. “You better damn well not go on a date with him or any man. You’re mine, woman. Simple as that.”
    Her expression said she’d argue. “But you can see other women?”
    “I never said that.”
    “You never said you wouldn’t,” countered Lexie.
    Tyson had to take a long breath to avoid from saying anything he’d regret. The woman could get his dander up in no time flat. “Lexie,” he said, punctuating her name. “I don’t want to see other women and I don’t want you seein’ other men. I want it to be just us.”
    She eased off his lap and he instantly felt the loss of having her close. She buttoned the dress shirt she wore, covering herself from his view.
    Not a good sign.
    He stood quickly, totally naked, but unconcerned with the fact. “You want fucked by Kaleb now? Is that it? I broke you in and he’ll finish you out?”
    She twisted and shocked him by slapping him across the face.
    Tyson stood there, dumbfounded.
    “How dare you suggest that?” She pointed at him. “I’ve been totally into you since I was in high school. Don’t you dare try to suggest otherwise.”
    He paused. “Then what the hell is the problem?”
    “You,” stated Lexie clearly. “You’re not made for monogamy. The girls talk, Ty. They talk about how you sleep with up to three of them at a time and how you’re very clear that you won’t stop screwing other women. That you’re not a one woman kind of guy.”
    “I’m not,” he said, his tone off. “When it comes to them.”
    She watched him, unsure of exactly what he was saying.
    “They’re not you, Lexie. They never have been you. That was the problem.”
    Her heart soared. “That’ll do, cowboy. That’ll do.”
    He retrieved his towel and wrapped it around his waist. “Then you’ll stay the night and you won’t go on a date with Kaleb?”

Chapter Five
    L exie hummed softly as she walked with a tray of food towards Tyson’s place. His refrigerator was decently stocked, but the one at the main house was more so. The tray had a breakfast casserole on it that the housekeeper had clearly made since her father wasn’t much of a cook. A pitcher of orange juice sat on the edge of the tray and she smiled to herself, remembering dumping the iced tea all over Tyson the day before.
    They’d spent the night holding one another. He’d rolled over and made love to her sweetly and slowly before he’d gotten up to tend to whatever it was he did at first light on the ranch. He’d promised he wouldn’t be gone long, so she’d snuck

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