The Bet (Blazing Hearts, #1)
off to the main house to gather food for fuel.
    Already her body hummed with desire for more of Tyson. The man knew how to please a woman. There was no denying that fact. She rounded the edge of the front barn and stalled as she heard the telltale sounds of Jake Earhart laughing. She’d grown up with Jake around the ranch, much the same way Tyson had been, but under slightly different circumstances.
    She smiled as she heard Tyson’s laugh join in.
    “I know,” he said. “I can’t believe it. It finally happened.”
    “Took long enough,” said Jake with a snort. “Tell me, was it worth the wait?”
    She tensed, wanting to hear Tyson’s answer.
    “And then some.”
    Jake mumbled something she couldn’t make out. When he next spoke she clutched the tray. “How was the sex? Did she freak when you went kinky on her or did you stay below the vanilla radar with her?”
    “I spanked her,” Ty answered, surprising her by being so open about what had happened between them behind closed doors. “She got off on it. Kept askin’ me to tie her up.”
    “Did you?” Jake asked.
    Ty snorted. “Hell no. She’s not ready for that.”
    “Oh man, do you ever owe me a thank you for betting you that you couldn’t get Lexie into bed,” razzed Jake playfully. “Guess I owe you that gelding I promised you. Dammit, I’d been hoping to get a shot at Lexie, but you won fair and square.”
    Lexie’s hand shook so hard that the juice pitcher fell and crashed on the ground, breaking into too many pieces to count. There was a slight commotion before Tyson and Jake appeared around the corner.
    The second she met Tyson’s turquoise gaze his eyes widened.
    Lexie released the tray, letting the casserole fall to the ground as well. “I was just a bet to you?”
    “What? No.” He took a step towards her, but she backed away. “Lexie.”
    “Don’t speak to me. The sound of your voice makes me sick.” She pivoted on her heels and ran back towards the main house, ignoring Tyson’s calls.
    T yson attempted to run after Lexie, but Jake tackled him, nearly slicing the hell out of him on the broken glass on the ground. “Let go of me!” he shouted.
    “Let her go. She’s pissed. Let her cool off before you try talkin’ to her,” reasoned Jake. “She’s mad enough to shoot fire out of her eyes. Give her a bit, Ty.”
    Tyson struggled more and then stilled, his gaze locked on the screen door to the main house as she slammed it shut. Jake was right. Lexie wasn’t in any mood to hear him out. A spasm crossed his face as he stopped fighting against Jake’s restraint. “I stepped in it with her. What if she doesn’t forgive me?”
    “She will,” Jake soothed. He took a step back from Tyson. “Just give her a minute to think...”
    Lexie’s sports car that was rarely used while she was away zipped out of the garage and tore down the long drive. Tyson looked to his friend for wisdom.
    Jake raked a hand through his hair. “Shit.”
    “She can’t very well be reasoned with if she isn’t here.”
    Tyson’s blood ran cold. “You think she’ll leave town?”
    Jake shrugged. “Let’s take my truck. We’ll follow her.”
    “What happened to letting her calm down?”
    Jake licked his lower lip. “That was before she was mobile.”
    Tyson understood then. Jake was worried because his love interest had skipped town when the going got tough. It took all of him, but Tyson faced his friend and put his hands on his shoulders. “Jake, Lexie is different. She won’t leave. If anything, she’ll stick around to kick me in the junk or something. She has a surprising temper.”
    “You sure?”
    “Oh, I’m sure.” He wasn’t, but he didn’t need Jake’s panic on top of his own. “I’ll give it a bit and then track her down. I’ll make her see reason.”

Chapter Six
    D owntown Middlefield was alive with people. The high school band played off to the side under the shade of a large tree. The women from the

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