The Beasts' Breeding Dungeon 2
    The Overlord pulled a blanket over Ava and
kissed her forehead. That was the last thing she remembered.
    Ava awoke a few hours later, groggy and
confused. She sat upright quickly, disoriented by the late-day
light that was cast in the room.
    Jolie was at her side quickly. “I’m here.
I’ve been waiting for you to wake.”
    “What time is it?”
    “Nearly six.”
    Six? Ava tried to rush out of bed, but Jolie
stopped her just as she winced from pain.
    “You’re going to be sore, I’m afraid. Take
these,” she opened her hand and Ava saw two small green pills.
    “What are they?”
    “Just take them. They will help with the pain
and soreness.” She handed Ava a glass of water and Ava swallowed
the pills. She delicately maneuvered her legs out of the bed and
Jolie handed held open a soft robe for her. Grateful for Jolie, she
stood carefully and allowed Jolie to help her dress.
    “Let’s get you back to your room and you can
take a nice bath before dinner. The Overlord has given you
permission to eat in your room if you like tonight.”
    While Ava wanted to see Michelle, she didn’t
feel like she could face another group meal and she nodded
gratefully. Jolie helped her downstairs and ran a bath for her in
her own bathroom.
    “Thank you, Jolie. I mean it,” Ava said as
she sank into the hot water.
    Jolie gave her a small smile. “Will that be
all for now?”
    “Yes, thank you.”
    “Very good.”
    Once Ava was alone, she thought about her
overwhelming and bewildering day. So much had happened and her mind
still felt foggy. It was as if sex with The Overlord had literally
taken over her mind. Now that she was free of the lust-inducing
drugs, she felt sick from her encounter with the monster. But she
remembered her passion and desire at the time, and she knew that
wouldn’t be the last time she was fucked by the powerful ruler of
    Ava knew that she needed to find a way to
appeal to The Overlord so that she could help herself, Michelle,
Franco and Mia escape. She was relieved to not have to go to dinner
but she was worried about Michelle. She was going to make it her
priority to find Michelle first thing at breakfast and try to talk
to her.
    Once she felt clean and whole again, she got
out of the tub and dressed in a pair of silk pajamas. The silk was
smooth and cool against her skin; the pajamas were more luxurious
than anything she owned at home. She began to peruse the books on
her shelf when a loud knock at her door broke the silence.
Confused, Ava opened the door. Franco stood in the doorway holding
a tray with food.
    “Franco?” she asked bewildered.
    “I’ve been sent to bring your dinner,” he
said stiffly. Ava peered around him and saw a few other guards
walking in the hallway.
    “Please bring it in and set down,” she said
    Franco nodded, catching her eye for just a
moment, and brought the tray inside. Once he was inside the room,
Ava rushed to his side as he slowly moved towards her table.
    “I saw her!” she whispered in a rush. “I saw
Mia. And I gave her your message.”
    “So it’s true,” he breathed, setting her tray
down. “There was a rumor that you had ended up on the top
    “Yes and I promised her that I would help
you. We need to get out of here. You, Mia, Michelle and I.”
    “Believe me, I’ve tried. It’s damned near
    Ava lowered her voice even more so, her words
coming out in an excited rush. “But The Overlord really likes me. I
can suck up to him. I’m already granted special circumstances. I
just need a little time and I think I could really do something to
help us.”
    Franco eyed her skeptically and then she saw
a glimmer of hope fill his eyes. “Make him trust you,” he
    There was a sound in the hallway.
    “I have to go,” he said, turning to leave.
Just before he closed the door, he gave Ava one last imploring look
before disappearing. Ava was so excited and nervous now that Franco
was on

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