The Beasts' Breeding Dungeon 2
    Read on for a small taste of what's
    He stood abruptly and pulled Ava with him.
They slipped through a door, which Ava had mistaken as a closet,
and Ava found themselves in a private elevator. The elevator opened
to the Monster’s Lair.
    “Yes?” he asked, his eyes wild with sexual
    “Who do you want to fuck me?”
    “Not who, cucciola mia, but what.”
    A small part of Ava felt alarm at fucking a
monster, but then her desire overtook her and she greedily grasped
The Overlord’s arm, wanting him to bring her to her beast as soon
as possible.
    “Clear out!” The Overlord barked at the
gawking guards and they scurried out of the lair, leaving only Ava
and The Overlord.
    “I’m going to watch you be fucked and once
I’ve had my fill, I’m going to take you for myself.”
    Ava moaned desperately, the ache between her
legs becoming too much for her to bear.
    The Overlord paced up and down the cages,
trying to determine which beast he would let out to have it’s way
with Ava. The terrible monsters screamed and groaned and those who
could speak shouted out with their wild lust. Finally The Overlord
stopped before a cage and smiled a wicked grin.
    “Oh yes, my sweet human, I’ve found the beast
for you.”
    He opened the cage and let the door swing
open wide. A large, giant beast came lumbering out. He was about
ten feet tall and he was covered in grayish-brown skin. He had
little neck, and what he did have was thick with ridges as it
curved into a thick and monstrous head that resembled a gorilla. He
had a large hooded forehead, with beady deep-set eyes and two slits
for a nose. His mouth was non-descript with yellow teeth.
    Ava watched as the monster’s thick legs
carried him across the floor and he was beside her in a few
strides. Ava groaned with wanton desire as she saw the long flaccid
cock that hung between his legs.
    “Can you take his big cock, Ava?” The
Overlord crooned.

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