The Beast and Me
room, I tried to sit up and my face distorted a bit due to the ache. It already had gotten better.
    I looked at this scientist in front of me and by the way he glanced back, I didn’t need him to speak out the fact that they hadn’t.
    “How long?” my voice was weak, even though I had wanted to sound demandingly and he laughed again: “I was unaware how much you have already recovered.”
    “He... it needs to know that he hasn’t killed me”, I exhaled despite shouting as he turned away.
    Silently I scolded myself for correcting a ‘he’ into ‘it’ and therefore making it even more obvious that I was humanizing his test subject. He didn’t turn back, just hesitated for a moment, making clear that he had noticed my confusion, and then he walked towards the door, just to stop once more.
    “Do you want to tell him?” he knocked against what seemed to be metal, without turning around.
    I am sure that he wanted to scare me, and he did, but not as much as we both had expected. I mean, it had almost killed me, but he didn’t. No, he didn’t try to, it hadn’t been his intention. Does that make sense?
    Can I make sense?
    I don’t know this thing at all.

Day 24
    How am I supposed to lie around all day and wait? My mind starts doing exactly what I don’t want it to do: plotting out what they might do to me, what they expect it to do with me. Honestly, there is only one way I know how to understand “socialize”. And there is no way for me not to obey. If I don’t, they get rid of me, and after having put so much effort in stitching me back together, they probably will not just put a bullet in my head.
    Maybe now is my only chance to get away.
    So I got out of my bed after the Doc left. God, I didn’t expect it to ache and pinch that bad. I can feel the staples in my belly when I move. It is so weird, so creepy. Probably it’s a mistake to get up, but I can’t lie around anymore. I have to distract myself and try... something.
    Of course, there is nothing here, nothing un-locked at least, and naturally one does not make mistakes here.
    I get it.
    The door doesn’t even have a window, so I cannot look into the corridor and check out if anything is different. And the door has some sort of scan panel, that makes a beep when someone puts I don’t know exactly what against it.
    A card, maybe or a wristband? I should try to watch her leave the next time.
    My legs feel like pudding. All the workouts the last few days were in vain. So I guess I’ll just walk a bit and lay down again. I’ll walk every time my thoughts go a wrong direction.

Day 25
    Obviously there are cameras here. Great, just great.
    Not that I am really surprised.
    After Breakfast Doc showed up again and looked at me reprehensively, despite my innocent look.
    “You shouldn’t walk around that much, Meg”, she said after a long pause and allowed my stomach to drop in a pit and recover before she continued and instructed me to sit up straight. “I know lying around all day is boring, but I want to make sure that your scar tissue is strong enough so that it actually holds.”
    There was somewhat of empathy in her voice, for the first time I think. She shoved up my hospital gown and started to unwind me.
    “No nurse today?” I simply asked.
    “She’s getting you a book”, Doc responded and her tone became cooler again, so I decided to shut my mouth and hold up the shirt and she rolled off the bandage.
    “I want to make sure that you are sufficiently healed when I dismiss you”, she repeated and I instantly knew, because of the subtle change in her voice, that if I wouldn’t be healed as expected once I met up with my ‘session’ partner, it would be she who would be punished.
    Everyone apparently is fungible, apart from the beast, him. I don’t know why I have a hard time naming him an animal or creature.
    They haven’t told me anything about him. Maybe that’s because I need him to be human?
    There is no way I can picture

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