The Baby Battle

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Book: Read The Baby Battle for Free Online
Authors: Laura Marie Altom
brushed away tears. Sniffling, smiling, he said, “That moment was like getting caught in a ray of light from heaven. I’d be first to admit I’m no expert in parenting. I don’t know a diaper from a bottle, but I’m a fast learner and already love my boy more than words can say. The first time I hold that little guy in my arms, I’ll probably die from an overwhelmed heart, but…”
    Making more notes, the judge asked, “You mean to tell me that Ms. Marshall has not allowed you any contact with your child?”
    “No, sir.”
    “Your Honor,” Olivia said, instantly on her feet, “I most strongly object. The circumstances surrounding—”
    “Ms. Marshall,” the judge said with several slams of his gavel, “you will contain yourself and kindly remember this is not a criminal case. As such, should you again interrupt these proceedings, I will have you fined. Do I make myself clear?”
    “Yes, Your Honor.” She sat. Tag didn’t miss her bottom lip’s tremble. Damn, but she was a cool customer. What did it take for the woman to let loose with her emotions? He couldn’t imagine a time when she’d have more at stake.
    “Mr. O’Malley,” the judge said, “on behalf of the court, I apologize. Please continue.”
    “Um, sure,” Tag said, regrettably having lost all his momentum. “I, ah, guess to sum it up, what I most want you to know is that I want to do right by this child. I want this baby to know his daddy. I don’t just want to see him on weekends, but be an integral part of his life. I want to help him learn to read and hit a ball. I want us to go out catching tadpoles and make mud pies. With everything in me, sir, I want this baby boy. And…that’s pretty much it.”
    “Thank you,” the judge said, rising. “Now I’m going to grab a quick cup of joe and review my notes. Bailiff, let’s reconvene in an hour.”
    One measly hour.
    That was all it was going to take for the man to decide the rest of Tag’s life. As if he hadn’t been scared crapless before, that news just about did him in.
    O NCE THE JUDGE WAS safely out of the courtroom, Olivia dropped her forehead to the table and groaned. “What am I doing here? What was I thinking? Objecting in the midst of a custody trial?”
    “It’s okay,” her attorney and friend, Ella Marks, soothed. Lightly rubbing Olivia’s back, she said, “Everything will work out fine.”
    “I don’t know,” Olivia said, rising, being careful not to look to the other side of the room where Tag O’Malley no doubt sat wearing a smug grin. “My gut feeling is that I didn’t come off as maternal enough.”
    “You might’ve been warmer,” Ella agreed, “but I’msure your professional demeanor was appreciated. Your response was exactly what the judge asked for.”
    Pulse racing, mouth dry, Olivia had never needed her child more. Tag O’Malley’s story had been touching. Surely the judge had thought the same. As much as she despised the man, her heart went out to him for the loss of his wife. She was all too familiar with what it felt like to have a broken heart, and would never wish the same on anyone.
    She understood that he wanted to see his son, but the simple fact of the matter was that up until a week ago Tag hadn’t even known Flynn existed. Olivia had started planning for her son a full year before he’d even been conceived. Weighing years against a week, she was sorry for the man, she really was, but she stood to lose far more than he did.
    “Let’s get out of here,” Ella said, tugging Olivia by her upper arm. “I’ll buy you a coffee.”
    “I think a martini might be more effective,” Olivia mumbled, grabbing her black leather purse.
    Ella laughed. “Maybe so, but until you are once again granted sole custody of your adorable baby boy, I’m thinking we may need to hold off on the partying.”
    In the courthouse lobby, throngs of people had gathered for a criminal case being held in the building’s largest courtroom. The next

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