The Baby Battle

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Book: Read The Baby Battle for Free Online
Authors: Laura Marie Altom
more than anything. So where did that leave her?
    In a bind. Because no matter what the judge said, no way was she turning over her baby boy.
    While Olivia gathered her briefcase and documents, in her peripheral vision she saw Tag edging her way.
    “No hard feelings?” he said, extending his hand. “Looks like we’re in this together now.”
    Keeping her hands tightly balled at her sides, she forced a deep breath.
    “I thought, if you don’t mind, I’d come over tonight? I’m anxious to get to know our son.”
    “I’m sure,” she said. “But tonight isn’t possible.”
    “Tomorrow, then?”
    “I’d have to check my schedule.”
    Eyes narrowing, Tag said, “Is this how you’re going to play it? Because if so, we can waltz right into those judge’s chambers and get this settled now. All along I’ve tried being civil, but if you’d like, I’ll make damned sure you never see your son again.”
    “T-that won’t be necessary,” Olivia said. Tag’s threat had sparked a plan. “I’m sorry.” She forced a smile. “Please forgive my rudeness. I’m just a little shell-shocked by the verdict.”
    “I understand,” he said.
    “Good. Then, please, by all means, Flynn and I would love to welcome you into our home. Would seven work for you?”
    “How about six?” Tag countered. “I can’t wait to get hold of my little man.”
    “By all means, then,” she said with another smile. “Six it is.”
    After a brief, chatty goodbye Tag finally left.
    Ella noted, “That was awfully civilized of you. I figured you’d put him through at least three appeals before letting him get his hands on Flynn.”
    Olivia shrugged, flashing a smile she hoped conveyed acceptance of her fate.
    “You’re a good sport,” Ella said. “The guy seemsall right. Who knows, maybe this won’t turn out so badly.”
    That’s right , Olivia promised herself, because by the time six o’clock rolls around, Flynn and I will safely be miles away.

Chapter Four
    “Mrs. Troyer?” Blessedly home, her front door shut and locked behind her, Olivia chucked her keys, mail and purse on the entry-hall table. Knowing there wasn’t a second to lose, she stormed toward the media room, where the elderly part-time sitter could usually be found. Most days, Flynn attended day care at the Montessori school, but times when he was sick, or school was closed, Mrs. Troyer helped. On this day, nothing had been wrong with Flynn—Olivia just hadn’t wanted him leaving his home.
    The sitter was addicted to the afternoon soaps, and enjoyed nothing more than watching them on Olivia’s big-screen TV whenever Flynn was down for a nap.
    Olivia kicked off her heels, marched down the hall and peeked into the nursery to see her baby boy contentedly snoozing. From the living room a heated TV argument gave the only clue needed as to the sitter’s location.
    “Mrs. Troyer?” Olivia called more forcefully than she ordinarily would have.
    Hands on her chest, the older woman jumped before muting her show. “Heavens, girl, I didn’t expect you home for hours.”
    “Sorry.” Forcing a bright tone, Olivia said, “Lucky for Flynn and I, court was over earlier than I expected.”
    “I take it that means you were awarded full custody?”
    “Absolutely,” Olivia said, “which means we’ll be doing some celebrating, so I won’t need you for at least a week or two.”
    Hefting her considerable frame from her recliner, Mrs. Troyer asked, “You’re going out of town?”
    “Nope.” Big smile. “Just taking time off. Spending extra time with the baby.”
    “Good for you. Meaning you’re probably wanting me out of your hair.”
    “Nothing like that,” Olivia said, heading for her purse. “But I would like to write you a check for the time you would’ve spent with us.”
    Mrs. Troyer followed her. “That’s not necessary.”
    “Neither is that Coach purse I know you’ve been eyeing at Dillard’s, but this amount should cover your purse and a matching

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