The Ascent of the Vampires - Book 1

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Book: Read The Ascent of the Vampires - Book 1 for Free Online
Authors: Stephen Harrison
Tags: english eBooks
    "Where shall we go?" asked Jack.
    "Let's go to my house. We can find my mother, she will know what to do. Oh and Jack, thank you," said Amy.
    There was a full moon in the black sky. Human screams and gunfire filled the night. Jack started the car and they drove off.


    slightly – not very much. etwas
    tormenting – ‘to torment’ to cause someone to suffer. quälen
    pounding – ‘to pound’ to make a loud noise. pochen
    widened – ‘to widen’ is to make larger. weiten
    crate of bottles – a crate is a container with spaces for bottles. Wasserkiste
    risked your life for me – ‘to risk one’s life’ is to put one’s life in danger to help another. sein Leben riskieren
    a shovel – a tool used for digging. Schaufel
    aimed – ‘to aim’ to point something in a direction. zielen
    cut off – ‘to cut off’ is to remove. abschneiden
    gushed – ‘to gush’ when liquid flows strongly. strömen, sich ergießen
    slammed shut – ‘to slam shut’ is to close loudly. zuschlagen


    Amy’s house.

    When Christine Anderson felt the fingers on her shoulder, she froze . But only for a second. One second later, she spun around and hit the intruder with the baseball bat.
    "Don't!" cried a man's voice.
    It was her neighbour, Paul Jenkins from across the street. Christine stopped just in time.
    "Paul, you scared me to death," she said, "what are you doing here?"
    "I came to see if you were OK. Did you see the president?" he asked.
    "Yes, I did," replied Christine sadly, tears in her eyes.
    They stood in silence for a moment. They both looked at each other and then Christine began to cry. Paul didn't know what to do. He didn't really know Christine well. Next, he took her and gave her a hug, it seemed like the only right thing to do.
    "There, there. It's OK, try not to worry," he said.
    "Thank you Paul," said Christine, sniffing .
    "Where is Amy?" he asked.
    "That's the problem, she went on a date but I cannot reach her ," said Christine.
    "Ah," Paul said, "people are saying that it's the vampires. They have done something to stop the telephones and Internet working. That's how they were able to take over the cities so fast," he added.
    Christine was about to speak, when they heard a loud noise. It was the front door, somebody had smashed it and they were in the house. Christine could hear voices.
    "Paul," she said, "it's the vampires, they are in my house!"
    "Now listen Christine, do exactly as I say," said Paul.
    Next, Paul grabbed her and pushed her into a large cupboard .
    "Stay in there Christine and no matter what happens, do not make a sound! Promise me! Say it!" said Paul.
    "I promise," said Christine.
    Suddenly, three people ran into the kitchen. They were three men. All were pale, good-looking and wore leather jackets.
    "So what do we have here?" laughed one.
    "Not trying to hide from us, I hope," said another.
    "That's very rude," said another, in a silly voice.
    Christine could see it all through a small crack in the door. Paul looked very brave but she could tell he was scared. All these years they had been neighbours and she never knew what a good man he was. Christine felt a tear run down her face.
    "This isn't your house," said Paul, " I suggest you leave, now," he added.
    "You WHAT!" screamed the tallest vampire.
    "I said, I suggest you leave now!" Paul shouted back.
    Suddenly, Christine understood what was happening. Paul was making the vampires angry so they would take him away. He was sacrificing his life for hers.
    Next, one of the vampires grabbed Paul and bit him on the neck. The other two vampires each grabbed one of his wrists. They began to drink his blood. Christine felt sick. She couldn't believe her eyes.
    After a few minutes, they had finished. Paul was dead and they let his body fall to the ground, like a piece of trash .
    "Come on let's go," said the tallest one, he looked like the leader.
    "Yeah, I'm still thirsty

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