Temple of Fire
many stone and brick buildings.  He now climbed down to the crater floor, which roughly corresponded to what he surmised was the original plateau upon which the city had existed.
    Like all geology majors, he had taken a smattering of anthropology courses as an undergraduate.  The ruins before him were an enigma, however.  The architecture was reminiscent of the later cultures of Mesoamerica , such as the Maya and Aztecs.  But other aspects of the city appeared to reflect different cultures and time periods.  The spiral domes and carved stone gods atop some temples resembled those in Cambodia .  Most peculiar of all, some of the structures looked typical of the early Egyptian kingdoms.
    He walked down a path between two step pyramids.  He wasn’t sure what kind of civilization had built the city, but he was certain of one thing: any ancient culture capable of constructing massive buildings would have had religious beliefs that called for adorning temples and shrines with gold, silver, and any number of precious gems.
    In short, they would have amassed considerable treasure.  Langhorne knew that others would be coming — and soon — so he needed to scout the area as quickly as possible.  The blast would most certainly have ripped open many temples and pyramids, making them ridiculously accessible.  Secret chambers and tunnels might not be so secret any longer.
    He intended to become a rich man and move to South America , but he would have to work quickly.  The ground continued to experience regular tremors, some violent and prolonged.

Ops Center
Aboard the Alamiranta
    “Repeat your last transmission, Titan Six,” said Touchdown urgently.  “Did you say ‘ancient city’?”
    There was no response.
    Touchdown turned to Caine .  “We’re in some pretty heavy weather now — very close to the innermost storms of Beatrice, where the winds and waves are strongest.  The interference will be spotty a little while longer.”
    “ — ruins everywhere.”  It was Hawkeye’s voice.
    Touchdown looked at Caine with sudden alarm.  An ancient, ruined city?   There would be a thousand places for enemies to hide.
    “The Chinese,” Touchdown said.  “They could be anywhere.”
    “Are you there, Mr. Hawke?” asked Caine .  “Did you hear Touchdown’s last statement?”
    Once again, there was no response.
    For Beatrice, the Alamiranta was a toy tossed about with abandon.

Northeastern Quadrant of U.S. Petroleum Blast Crater
Great Basin Desert
    “This is absolutely incredible!” Dr. Christian Madison said, running his hand over the stone base of a pyramid next to the EFV.  The light-colored stones were rough and worn.
    “The winds from Beatrice are pretty light this far inland,” said Quiz, “but they’re enough to blow away some of the haze and give us slightly better visibility.”
    The team fanned out, their heads craned up to behold the wondrous city that lay before them.
    “When the COM link with the Alamiranta is reestablished,” said Madison , “the Ops Center will have to upload every possible image of this amazing find.  Joshua will be especially interested.”
    The team members looked at each other and smiled.  Titan Six had previously been on a particularly dangerous mission associated with the existence of an ancient, extinct culture.
    Ching !  Ping !
    The head of a stone god in front of the pyramid shattered into dust.
    “Take cover!” Hawkeye shouted.
    Boots kicking sand into small clouds, Titan Six dove behind the EFV.
    “Who the hell knows we’re here?” Hawkeye said.
    “Maybe the United States government,” suggested Shooter.
    “Yeah,” said Tank.  “Authorizing the use of deadly force to keep knowledge of the site from spreading.”
    Hawkeye looked at his brother.  “Knowledge of the drilling site or of the ruins?”
    Tank shrugged.  “The bigger question is whether or not we return fire on the American military.”
    “Wait, wait, wait!” said

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