Temple of Fire
smoke rose from several cracks in the path.  Thousands of years earlier, the inhabitants of the city would surely have believed that the gods were discontent.
    * * *
    Positioned on the ruins, Dragons fired from several angles at the EFV.
    Manning the M240 machine guns, Tank and Shooter quickly returned fire.  Two Dragons tumbled from the high perches on a pyramid, landing beside the EFV.
    “Hold off on the 256 long gun ,” Hawkeye warned.  “It packs too much of a punch.  We don’t want to start any tremors.”
    Tank and Shooter continued firing, the machine gun rounds turning stone into hazy clouds of dust.
    A Dragon appeared directly in front of the vehicle, reaching for something on his belt.
    “He’s going for a grenade!” Gator said.
    Shooter pivoted quickly and took down the commando.
    “Turning on stealth mode,” Hawkeye announced.  “Let’s dial things down a bit.”
    The EFV continued on unchallenged.

Aft Cargo Hold 6
Aboard the Alamiranta
    Captain Papagantis joined Pyro and Lieutenant Bender in the cargo hold.  The men steadied themselves by grabbing gray steel grips attached to a bulkhead as the ship continued to heave and roll.
    “Tell me some good news,” Papagantis said to Pyro .
    “I can stabilize the torpedo,” said Pyro , “but not in the way you’re thinking.”
    “Whether torpedoes are still on the manufacturing line or in the weapons hold of a sub, they’re more than just old-fashioned cylinders packed with explosives.  Today more than ever, they’re complex electronic packages that are continually hooked up to computers monitoring their status.
    “These weapons can cost up to a million bucks, so manufacturers don’t just scrap one if a computer shows that the torpedo has a glitch.  Engineers open them up if the computer readouts show a malfunction, regardless of its nature.
    “The problem is usually limited to one of two areas: guidance or detonation.  If it’s the latter, the engineers usually activate the detonation sequence by pulling a certain wire.  Only by watching the detonation sequence at a slowed pace can they know where the repair needs to be made.  They usually need to swap out a faulty part — nothing more.  If they can’t pinpoint the problem, they can simply shut down the sequence.  After that, they disassemble the weapon and examine each part, sometimes recycling them into other torpedoes if they check out.”
    “So you’re proposing that we activate the detonation sequence,” said Bender.
    “It’s up to you and Mrs. Caine ,” said Pyro , “but yes, I can activate the detonation sequence.  The weapon will then initiate a slow countdown sequence.”
    “How slow?”
    “Could be an hour, could be twenty-four.  No way of telling.”
    “Risky damn move,” remarked Bender.
    “The downside is that I’m an explosives expert, not a Chinese engineer.  We’re buying time — nothing more — so that this thing doesn’t blow a sizeable hole in the ship.  I can’t give you a guarantee that I’ll find the right way to disarm the torpedo during its countdown sequence.”
    Papagantis pushed a button on the nearest control panel.  “Have you been receiving this, Ops?”
    “Yes, Captain,” said Caine .  “Tell Pyro to proceed.”
    “Yes, ma’am,” said Papagantis .
    Pyro knelt by the torpedo, tethering himself to steel bracing along the hull.  Carefully, eyes narrowed to pinpoint precision, he cut a green wire with a pair of small pliers.
    A digital box near the head of the torpedo flickered and came to life.  Red numbers were displayed on its face.
    The seconds ticked dispassionately.
    “We have twelve hours for you to solve your conundrum,” said the Captain.  “I’ll be on the Bridge.  Give me updates every fifteen minutes.”
    Pyro nodded, not taking his gaze from the Chinese torpedo.

Southwestern Quadrant of U.S. Petroleum Blast Crater

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