Tantric Sex for Men: Making Love a Meditation
part man. Each human contains both parts, male and female. Both opposing poles are contained within each individual. We each have a male and a female pole, a heart pole and a genital pole. Each individual is, at a higher level and by design, an independent unit unto himself. Each person has the innate capacity to circulate energy and vitality within his or her self, which is ultimately the experience of “inner sex” and the most evolved form of human sexual expression.

    My First Full-Body Orgasm
I’m in India and it is 1993. I have been here more than a month, meditating every day, and suddenly I fall in love. It happens instantly, just by looking at her. We meet the first day of a meditative therapy that lasts three weeks, and after a couple of weeks of courting and wooing we meet at her home to make love. After long foreplay we get into the real act. Since I arrived in India I have not had any sexual contact with a woman, so even though I’m in ecstasy about making love with the woman I most desire in the whole world, I also have the classic male fear—some call it performance anxiety—that makes me think, “I hope I don’t come immediately.”
For me the first love encounter with a woman has always been like a testing ground: If the feeling is real, everything goes well and the experience is satisfactory for both partners; if it is not a real energetic feeling but the mind comes between us, then the experience is not satisfactory. On this night all best conditions are met—there is heart, our bodies like each other, and very importantly, we are both meditating regularly. I have always been a sensitive man, but tonight is pure magic. I can feel what she feels and I know exactly where, and how, and when to touch her. I really feel like I am one with her. The embrace really lasts a long time and every anxious thought is completely gone and I am totally relaxed.
The moment comes when she reaches orgasm and I, too, am captured by the escalation of pleasure that usually leads to a short, intense little squirt that we usually call “male orgasm.” But this time it’s different. In the beginning everything goes as usual, with the energy concentrating in my penis, ready to be scattered outside. This time, however, instead of going out, the energy goes up my entire body, shaking me in powerful waves. It could be described as a tremor, because the body can’t be still, and there is heat, a kind of inner tingling, waves of pleasure everywhere, and maybe women can relate to this . . . these waves are not focused on the penis but wash through my whole body, all the way to my crown. Initially the interval between these long pleasure waves is a few seconds, and then they become less frequent, with longer intervals.
I feel the energy rushing through my body, flowing from me to her, going through her body and coming back to mine through the contact between penis and vagina. I realize that if we keep a light contact with our tongues the waves pass more easily from my body to hers, creating a virtual circle that lasts long and eventually fades slowly, slowly . . . and it is beautiful to lie together, hugging, to watch the shaking of our bodies, the energy waves going up and down the spine, exchanging that state of ecstasy, indefinitely recharging each other. And when the waves calm and my ocean becomes still again I have the usual post-orgasm symptoms: my penis becomes soft again and my limbs are relaxed.
Since that first time it has happened many times, but not always. This kind of orgasm, the valley orgasm, just happens of its own accord; I can’t make it happen, I can only relax and allow it to happen. The biggest difference from a traditional orgasm is that after making love it takes less time for me to be ready again, because I’ve gained energy rather than wasting it, and the feeling of desire is untouched. After a night of these orgasms I need less sleep than usual, only a couple of hours, to be okay

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