Taming Romeo
Walk sexy along the snake path and glare at them.” He taps my helmet. “You already have the prop.”
    He shoves me into a trailer. “Susie Sotelo. Make her up.”
    A pair of hands removes the helmet from my hands while another pair pushes me onto the barber’s chair.
    “Close your eyes.” “Lift your chin.” “Wait, wait, keep your lips still.” “A little spritz.” “There, a beauty mark.”
    Someone twists a grease pencil at the corner of my lips. After combing and teasing my hair, followed by more spritzes and eye shadow, I’m declared ready.
    The guy who corralled me returns and hands me my helmet. “You’ll start at the tail of the snake. All you have to do is watch that clicky board. I’ll count down, board clicks and you start walking. Not too fast. You know he’s there and you see him talking to the nerd. You’re steamed, but you’re not going to show it. He loves biker chicks and you’re one badass chick. So strut your stuff, slow and sexy. You’re shooting him smoldering looks, but you’re not staring at them. Every man within a hundred foot radius has his eyes on you and his dick pointing your way and you know it. Stop on the tongue of the snake and run your right hand through your hair, then raise your face to the sun, eyes partially closed as if it’s giving you a frickin’ orgasm. Got it?”
    “No prob.” I hang him a wink as he positions me on the snake path. I have to admit he’s kind of cute with that harried, beta male, I-gotta-talk-fast-because-no-one’s-paying-attention look.
    “Keep your eyes on the clicky board, but move off it fast. You’re not on camera until two seconds into the scene. No matter what, don’t look at us or the camera.”
    “I got it.” Didn’t he register my conspiratorial wink? “Now, go. I’m getting hot in all this leather.”
    “Baby, you won’t believe how many takes we’re doing.” He hooks his thumbs, makes a shooting motion with both index fingers and struts toward the director. “Everyone in position.”
    I can’t believe this. But what fun! I’m going to be in Romeo’s movie, maybe even have my name in the bylines. Who cares if he’s meeting Binomial Barbie, his fake true love. I, Moto-girl, yes, I’m his soul mate. Maybe we can improvise. No one says what happens after my orgasmic sun kiss.
    Three hours later, I’m sweating bullets, no, make it cannonballs. I’m surely dehydrated, even though Clicky Boy supplies me with water bottles and the makeup artists touch me up after every take. I’ve swayed my hips so much they’re dislocated from the socket, and I swear I’m getting sunburn from moaning at the sun. The first few takes were ruined because Romeo couldn’t stop staring at me. I heard them yelling at him to tuck his tongue in his jaw. Then there was Blondie. She exuded anger when she should have been excited that a hot, hunky, rock star needed help with his math homework in order to keep his band intact. Apparently, the lame story revolves around Zeke Fernandez staying in school in exchange for his grandmother’s funding.
    Then there was the apparent problem of Blondie getting all the mathematical terms wrong, and Romeo had to keep correcting her. Duh, couldn’t they have hired someone remotely intelligent?
    “Last one, last one.” Clicky Boy claps his hands. Sweat is running down his face and he wipes it with his open shirt. Not bad, but not Romeo.
    Oops, Romeo caught me looking and he’s giving me a snort. Come on, hold it together. I don’t want to do another take. My feet screaming ‘bloody hell,’ I line up at the tail of the snake. My helmet feels like an iron ball and my clothes are glued onto my sweaty back. Even my inner thighs complain. Fireproof steel lined material isn’t exactly suited for walking.
    Miraculously, that last trudge up the path toward knowledge of good and evil passes the muster. The director picks up his megaphone and dismisses all the extras, me included.
    Clicky Boy rushes to my

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