Taming Romeo
comforting. “I can’t believe you’re here. I keep thinking this is a dream and I’m going to wake up.”
    “I’m not the one going anywhere. Why did you leave?”
    Uh oh. He wants to go there and we haven’t even ordered. Heat flushes my face and I take another sip of water to bide my time. I make eye contact with the waitress and hold it until she takes out her order book and steps toward us.
    “Hi, I’m Sherease, your server. Would you like cocktails or an appetizer, or are you ready to order?”
    Sherease looks flustered because Romeo ignores her. His gaze is focused on me, and she knows I signaled her over to interrupt an intense moment. It’s what waitresses do. We’re attuned to our customers and pay attention to their body language. Otherwise, how do we appear at just the right moment with a drink refill or to bring over the dessert tray?
    “I’d like a cocktail, a blue mai tai. Romeo?”
    “I’m ready to order.” Romeo plops the unread menu on the table. “What do you recommend?”
    I kick his shin and he shoots me a scowl. He can be rude when he doesn’t get his way. Being the only child is no excuse.
    “Is this your first time at Vegan Palace?” Sherease puts on a kindergarten teacher voice guaranteed to annoy him further.
    “Definitely. I only came because of her.” He hooks his thumb my direction.
    I shoot him a closed-mouthed smile.
    “What are some of your favorite foods?” The waitress bends over him so close her boobs are practically in his face. She flips through the menu. “Let’s see, we have Italian, Mexican, Indian, and Asian entrees.”
    “I like roast pig.”
    “You just had that the other night.” I tap his shin again. “And it’s not vegetarian.”
    “Oh, goodie,” Sherease squeals. “You must try our vegan pulled pork.”
    “Seriously?” Romeo’s eyes widen and he stares at where Sherease is pointing. “That looks like the real thing. What’s in it?”
    “Secret ingredient. How about this? I’ll tell you after you taste it. I’m sure you’ll love it.” She drags out the word ‘love’ and winks.
    I order a Thai peanut curry over noodles and we settle on artichoke spinach dip for appetizer.
    As soon as Sherease saunters off, Romeo says, “Are you going to tell me or what?”
    “Keep this up, bucko, and this is one nightmare I’ll be glad to wake from. Can we just have a nice dinner and get reacquainted?”
    “And then you’ll tell me?”
    I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Romeo can be single-minded, pigheaded, and has a hard time backing off. But I owe him an explanation. I practically left him at the altar.
    “Yes, we’ll have a long talk after dinner. Can you wait?”
    “Okay, but you’re mine tonight. No running off.” He tucks in a napkin and when Sherease returns with my mai tai, he orders a beer. Much better.
    Dinner arrives and it’s better than I thought. Romeo is impressed with the “pulled pork” and when Sherease tells him it’s jackfruit, he practically falls off his chair. “I’ve been eating fruit? Evie, can you get the recipe? Maybe you can add it to your menu.”
    “Oh, you have a restaurant too?” Sherease asks, handing us the dessert card. “Where?”
    “Barrio XO. It’s Filipino and I swear, we have meat in every dish, even our vegetable dishes.”
    “For example?” Her eyebrow quirks.
    “ Kangkong leaves sautéed with minced pork and crispy tofu, or bitter melon with scrambled eggs and shrimp paste.”
    “Ouch.” Sherease winces. She recommends Figs in Cashew ‘Cream’ as the dessert. “No eggs or milk products, I promise.”
    Through dinner, Romeo and I talked about our lives the past five years, safe topics. I filled him in on my studies and how I had difficulty in anatomy class because of the corpse I had to dissect. He talked about the fun he had going to USC, Playboy magazine’s top-ranked party school. I was hearing everything for the first time, because after I ditched him at the prom, I cut

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