Tackling Her Heart
she’d beg for release over and over
again as she writhed under him. He’d take her to the brink, only to
prevent her from coming as her retribution. And when he could stand
it no longer, he’d shove his cock into that tight little pussy and
fuck her until she screamed his name.
    He came a few strokes later, so fired
up by Sofia, that it barely took any time to get him to spill his
seed into his hand. She’d pay for that, too—with her bright red
lips … wrapped around his cock … sucking him off.
    Once he cleaned himself off, he
disrobed and climbed into that cold, empty bed. He drifted off to
sleep with visions of him fucking her dancing in his

Chapter Six
    Marc burst through the double doors
out of the NFL offices, enraged. The meeting with the commissioner
hadn’t gone as well as he’d expected. “What the fuck was
    Max stepped closer, trying to quiet
Marc down. “I told you last night he wanted to make an example of
you. They can’t have teammates taking one another out over personal
    “ But six games? Not
counting pre-season? I can’t play again for nine weeks , Max.” Marc was in no
mood to be his normal calm, cool, and collected. He wanted to put a
fist through the wall over this bullshit. Brian Brooks had had it
coming. “It’s too harsh!”
    Max brushed a hand over his balding
head and adjusted his glasses. He lowered his voice another octave
and lifted a warning eyebrow to Marc. “I think a six-game penalty
is better than being cut for an entire season, which had been
bandied around, just so you know.”
    “ You’re going to fight
this, Max. I’m not taking a nine-week break at the beginning of the
season. I’ll pay a bigger fine, or I’ll agree to go to more
community events, whatever they want.”
    “ A bigger fine? Two
hundred fifty thousand is already a big enough fine. I fought tooth
and nail not to get you benched for the whole season. They’re not
going to listen to me for a while.”
    Marc started storming toward the
elevator, punching the button with ferocious anger. “Do you realize
that Brian only got a fifty K fine for driving under the influence
with a barely legal girl sucking his cock in the front seat and
letting the world catch him cheating on my sister in the process?
Yet I’m getting five times that and benched for nine weeks? This is
    “ What he did wasn’t on the
field, Marc. You had weeks of summer camp and reconditioning to
enact your vengeance on that man, but you waited until the first
game of the pre-season to show your hand. That shows
    “ It wasn’t premeditated. Brian was being
a dick and taking Jennings down hard just because he’s with my
sister now. Jennings couldn’t retaliate because he was in an
offensive position and he would’ve gotten flagged. Brian needed to
learn a lesson. I decided to teach him. You don’t mess with me and
    “ So it was better for you
to incur the flag and get your ass in a vise?” Max entered the
newly opened elevator car and turned to face Marc. “I’ll fight it,
but for now, you’re benched. I suggest you getting out of Dodge,
and away from the press, away from the hoopla, and let it all blow
over a little.”
    Marc walked into the elevator. “Run
    “ No. Just go relax on a
beach somewhere and let me work this after heads have cooled a
little. You’re a star player on the team, and the fans will be
outraged over the length of your punishment. Once they start
freaking out online, then we can use that to our advantage. I’ll
see if I can get the length reduced, but I can’t promise anything,
    “ A beach? Like I can relax
right now.”
    “ It’ll be harder to relax
with the media breathing down your neck. Let me get a private plane
set up to take you somewhere, anywhere. As long as it’s off U.S.
soil and away from the circus this is going to become.”
    “ Fine,” Marc spat. His
mind immediately went to Sofia and how

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