Tackling Her Heart
this was going to throw a
big wrench in his plans. What the hell was he going to do
    * * * *
    Sofia sat at her desk, staring at her
computer screen. She was on deadline for this story and other than
everything the whole world already knew, she didn’t have a lot to
add other than speculation and her gut instinct. If only she’d
stayed last night, she’d have had one helluva tale to
    One she’d never be able to
    Her body still thrummed as she thought
of his hands on her body. Marc had brought her to orgasm in mere
minutes, just using his fingers. What would he do if they were both
naked, in a bed, and free to explore every inch of flesh? Visions
came to her head of him thrusting between her legs, and she felt
her panties dampen.
    Ay dios mio! What that man did to her.
    Sofia’s cell began to buzz in the
midst of the scattered papers covering her messy desk. After
lifting a few sheets, she found it and clicked the Accept button.
“Hey, Rand, what’s up?”
    Rand worked in the NFL
offices in New York and often handed her some choice gossip because
he quote thought
she had a banging body unquote . Under normal circumstances,
she’d be angry, but since he gave her a leg up in breaking stories,
then so be it.
    “ Hey, sexy lady. Thought
you might like to know Marc Anders got called before the
commissioner this morning,” Rand said quietly. “He was handed a two
hundred fifty thousand dollar fine and a six-game suspension, after
pre-season starts.”
    Sofia hissed. That was painful news.
“That’s awfully harsh.”
    “ The commissioner isn’t
playing around. He said he needed to make an example of
    An example? Even for an example that
was extreme. Poor Marc. Considering the probable reasons behind why
he did it, she felt bad for the guy. It was wrong, sure, but Sofia
could see the reasoning behind what he’d done.
    “ I also overheard Marc
with his agent. His agent suggested Marc get out of town, a beach
somewhere, until all this blows over. So Marc might be getting out
of town, and fast.”
    Sofia didn’t like that news, not one
bit. “Did he say where this beach might be?”
    “ Nope, but Killian works
out of Marc’s agent’s office now.”
    “ Killian Parker?” Killian
had worked the NFL offices alongside Rand. “I didn’t know he’d
    “ He’s been gone two weeks.
I don’t know if he’s been in his new position long enough to know
details like where Marc would go, but it’s worth a
    “ Rand, you’re the best. I
owe you big time.”
    “ So, ah, I was wondering.
Maybe we could go get that drink sometime?”
    Sofia smiled. “You got it, buddy. The
next time I’m in NYC, I’ll give you a call. You’ve been a great
friend. I owe you a round or two at least.” She’d already made it
abundantly clear she wouldn’t be sleeping with Rand and that he was
only a friend.
    “ Sounds good, Sofia.” The
disappointment in the guy’s voice made her feel bad.
    As soon as she ended the call, she
dialed up Killian’s cell. Killian picked up on the second ring.
    “ Hey, Killian! This is
Sofia Figueroa. I hear you’re working for Marc Anders’ agent
    Sofia could almost hear the guy
swallow on the other end of the line. “Hi, Sofia. Yeah. I just
started here not long ago.”
    “ I need to know where Marc
Anders is going to spend his down time. Think you could help a girl
    Sofia was fairly positive she could
hear Killian growing a bright shade of red. “Ah, sure. I can find
that out for you.”
    She felt bad flirting to get the
things she needed for her job. Sofia closed her eyes and thought
for the thousandth time what she wouldn’t do to find what she
wanted to do with her life.
    “ I’ll sneak around and
call you back a little later?”
    “ Thanks, Killian. That
sounds great.”
    Sofia hung up the phone, a case of
anxiety settling in. If she found out where he was going, then what
in the hell was she going to

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