T'aafhal Legacy 1: Ghosts of Orion

Read T'aafhal Legacy 1: Ghosts of Orion for Free Online

Book: Read T'aafhal Legacy 1: Ghosts of Orion for Free Online
Authors: Doug L Hoffman
Tags: Science-Fiction
and headed for the administrative offices seeking a meeting with the authorities they despised. They did not even care which star they were sent to—surely God would provide for his faithful. As the door closed behind the trio, women swathed in black robes scurried into the room to remove the coffee cups and straighten the pillows.
    Atrium Restaurant, Farside
    The morning after TK's campfire discussion, the three officers all resigned their commissions in Earth's Space Navy. On their way to Fleet HQ, the four friends agreed to meet for lunch at the restaurant overlooking the Atrium just before noon.
    Mizuki and Bobby already occupied a table when Beth and Billy Ray entered the large, second level restaurant. Being just outside of the base administrative offices, the restaurant was always crowded, even though the food was unremarkable. Mizuki was dressed in her usual science section maroon, but Bobby was wearing the plain tan of a civilian resident of Farside, as were Beth and Billy Ray.
    “I guess this makes it official, pardner—we ain't in the Navy any more,” Billy Ray said with a grin.
    “Yeah, I almost didn't recognize you two in civies. I hope we get better looking clothes from the company.”
    “You still have your government jumpsuit on, Mizuki,” said Beth.
    “Yes, I have some things to wrap up in the lab so I gave them until the end of the week. Unlike everyone else, I am not yet free.”
    “Depends how you look at it, Mizuki,” said Beth taking a seat. “You're the only one of us still employed.”
    “It feels so weird to not be in uniform.”
    “I know what you mean, Bobby. Beth and I felt like fish out of water inside the HQ wearin' these civilian duds.”
    “At least we all have off base housing,” Beth observed, “so we don't have to move on top of everything else.”
    “That is good,” said Mizuki with a hint of a smile. “It could be hard finding a new place that allows pets.” 
    This time it was Billy Ray's turn to be momentarily confused, until he realized she was referring to her flock of winged admirers.
    “Why couldn't you just make do with a dog or cat, Mizuki?”
    “The butterflies aren't that bad,” answered Bobby, coming to his partner's defense. “At least they don't need a litter box or have to be walked. We do take them out every now and then, kids love 'em.” 
    “That's because, outside of the polar bears, there isn't any wildlife on this rock.”
    “I suppose that you would want to keep horses, if they let you, Billy Ray,” Beth teased.
    “Actually, they've brought some horses up from Earth,” Billy Ray answered. “They intend on sending them along with the colonists.”
    “What in heaven's name for?”
    Bobby, whose vast knowledge of science fiction made him an expert on colonizing hypothetical alien worlds, jumped in with an explanation. “If you are going to establish a colony dozens of light-years from Earth, where the cost of transporting agricultural equipment would be astronomical, horses make sense.”
    “Really? How so?”
    “They can be fueled locally anywhere you can raise grass. They are not apt to break down and become useless for want of spare parts, like mechanical farm equipment. And if you take both mares and stallions with you they can make more on location.”
    “I never thought of it that way, Bobby. I guess I'm just not much of a farm girl.”
    “That's one of the things I love about you, sweetheart,” said Billy Ray, giving his wife a peck on the cheek. “One ex-ranch hand per family is enough around here.”
    “I hope we find out more about the coming voyage when we visit the company offices after lunch,” said Mizuki, changing the subject. “We will need to find others to help crew the Peggy Sue for any significant trip.”
    “You're right, of course. I think that TK is holding back some of the details until we are officially signed up. I wouldn't be surprised if some old friends and acquaintances sign on as

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