T'aafhal Legacy 1: Ghosts of Orion

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Book: Read T'aafhal Legacy 1: Ghosts of Orion for Free Online
Authors: Doug L Hoffman
Tags: Science-Fiction
    “Really? Like who?” asked Bobby.
    “I don't know about you, pardner, but I can't imagine a trip on board the Peggy Sue without Chief Zackly.”
    “We'll need more than just the Chief to run the ship,” said Beth
    “We will need a number of scientists: a geologist, a chemist, and probably several biologists,” said Mizuki, “and we will also need a doctor for the medical section. We have never gone anywhere without needing medical care.” 
    “Right, so let's get something to eat and think about who else we need to take along.”

Chapter 3
    The Orion Arm Trading Company, Farside
    “Good afternoon, I'm Billy Ray Vincent and we're here to talk with whoever is in charge,” Billy Ray said to the receptionist inside the nicely decorated lobby of the Orion Arm Trading Company.
    “Yes, Captain Vincent, we have been waiting for you to arrive,” the woman said, her distant stare indicating that she was checking the other's identities with her data enabled contact lenses. “Someone will come and collect you all in a moment.”
    “Thank you,” said Mizuki, with a polite bow. Her companions looked around the lobby of their new employer—a tasteful blend of wood veneers, natural rock and brushed metal. Flanking the receptionist's desk were two large potted palms and on the walls hung panoramic holograms of distant star systems. 
    “Looks like TK isn't skimping on the start-up money,” observed Bobby, “the decor is top notch.”
    “Yes, moon modern,” quipped Beth, less impressed by their surroundings. On one side of the lobby a door slid open and a trim young man entered.
    “Good afternoon, I am Remi de Voorst, director of personnel for the company. If you will please follow me we will dispose of the formalities of bringing you all on board.”
    They followed the gentleman down a short hallway and into an office. The office contained a desk to one side and a larger conference table in the middle. De Voorst motioned to four chairs along one side of the table while he sat in the lone chair on the other side.
    “Please place either hand on the tabletop in front of you to identify yourself to the company computer net.”
    As they complied, their pictures appeared with a welcome message on the table's display surface. These were soon replaced by legal looking documents adorned with company letterhead.
    “Before you are your employment agreements. Note the base salaries have been communicated to each of you privately and do not include profits from any expeditions you might participate in. Please sign the form by pressing your right forefinger to the table in the rectangle provided on the form image.”
    Mizuki hesitated.
    “I am not yet released from my old job with the science section. I do not think it proper to sign this form before the end of work on Friday.”
    “Of course, Dr. Ogawa,” said de Voorst, tapping his fingers on the table top in front of him rapidly. “If you will look closely, I have just changed the effective date of your employment to this coming Saturday. If you will sign now confidentiality agreements will be put in place so you can attend today's briefing.”
    “Thank you, that will be satisfactory.” Mizuki signed the document. 
    “Given that Capt. Vincent has had the most time in grade and has commanded the Peggy Sue on previous voyages the board has named him captain for the upcoming venture.”
    The four new employees all nodded.
    “It should also be noted that this is a civilian vessel, not a Navy ship, and that the command structure is not the same as in the military,” the company representative said. “Given that Cdr. Danner has extensive time actually piloting the ship it was thought that he could serve as sailing master and Cdr. Melaku as first officer. Dr. Ogawa would be the head of the mission's science section. Do you all find this agreeable?”
    The four looked at each other and replied in the affirmative.
    “Very good then, I think we are done here.

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