Jody as he unlatched the gate. "You look like you had a good day, but I'll bet mine was better."
Jody had no way of knowing that Snuffles had had more than just a good day. He was feeling better than he had in years, and he had made a friend. His friend was back near the dog house, munching on his food. The little creature didn't eat much, and sharing was now just fine with Snuffles. He had begun to realize that he was getting something back from his relationship with the little creature. Every time it jumped on his back, the droplets that oozed onto him made him feel better. His joints didn't ache nearly as much as they had just the day before. Snuffle's nose told him that the droplets were not urine, but something more benign. The liquid smelled really good. He had already adjusted to the creature's habit of climbing onto his back. The creature pulsed and vibrated when it attached itself to him. Snuffles could feel love coming from the creature. If the creature loved him, why not love him back?
Snuffles tried to let Jody know about his new friend, running back and forth towards the backyard, but Jody seemed preoccupied. Jody ignored Snuffle's entreaties and headed straight for the house. Snuffles whimpered and returned to the back of the yard to check on what his little friend was up to.
Jody skipped preparing his afternoon snack and headed straight for his bedroom. He sat down at the computer at the far corner of the room, beneath his Caylie poster, the one that had replaced his Rihanna poster. Caylie's music sucked, but she looked really hot in her tiny bikini. His computer was a few years old, a bottom of the line generic brand. That was all his Mom could afford. He prayed that it had enough memory and speed to run BFF's video service. He knew that buying a new PC was out of the question.
"Here goes nothing," he thought. He typed into his browser. The login page of the site appeared. Empty data fields beckoned, asking him to either log in or register. He typed "Jody&Missy" as his password. After he typed some of his personal information at the next screen, the site congratulated him for successfully signing up on He had no interest in creating his home page, nor did he pause to import the few "friends" he had on Facebook. He went straight to the BFF search field.
Jody's hands no longer worked well enough to type normally. He pecked two words into the search engine using his two best fingers.
"Melissa Bryant," he repeated to himself after checking his spelling.
Thumbnails for thirty-three females named "Melissa Bryant" popped up.
"Jeez, thirty-three?" he said aloud. He wanted to get to her site ASAP. Returning to the search engine, he added the word "California" to the search. Twelve Melissa Bryants remained. Inspiration flashed, and he typed "Missy" into the search engine.
"Now that's more like it," he thought, as he viewed only three remaining Melissa Bryants. There was no need to refine his search further, as only one of the females he had retrieved was young, and only one wore a kerchief. He clicked on the thumbnail to enlarge it. She was as beautiful in the picture as she was in real life.
"Boy, she's really into the hippie chick look," he thought, eyeing both the kerchief and the peasant dress she had worn to school. "Must be her favorite outfit," he thought.
He already liked better than Facebook. When he clicked on Melissa's name next to her picture, her home page came right up. A lot of the pages on Facebook required "friending" before you could view them. This was better, he thought. He clicked on the first video he saw, one that had been uploaded only the day before. He wanted to see her move and talk and smile again. She sat in front of her bed, adjusting her PC until its tiny camera lens framed her face and the upper half of her body. When she was satisfied, she leaned back and started talking.
"Hi, everybody, it's me. Here I am in my new town even though I'd rather be back
Mating Season Collection, Eliza Gayle
Lady Reggieand the Viscount