Sweet Texas Fire

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Book: Read Sweet Texas Fire for Free Online
Authors: Nicole Flockton
the tables until they reached the bar. The noise level here was higher than in the corner where the pool tables were located.
    He leaned down and spoke into her ear. “What can I get you to drink?”
    Charlotte repeated his action. “Classic mojito, please.”
    Her lips brushed his ear and his body stirred to life. What the fuck? He managed to conceal the unexpected shiver from her. How could he want to take her to the corner and have her whisper to him some more when she had been nothing but a pain in the ass to him? He couldn’t deny what Macy had said about her accent being cool. He’d thought the accent was all prissy on the phone, but in person, it was sexy as hell.
    Dragging his thoughts out of the gutter, he gave their order to the bartender and turned so his back rested against the wooden bar.
    “So, why are you here, Charlotte?” he spoke loudly enough to be heard over the background noise.
    “Here as in the bar, or here as in Sweet Ridge?”
    “Well, you know why I’m here at the bar—Macy invited me. And as for being in Sweet Ridge, I figured it was time I saw the piece of land I inherited.”
    He wanted to ask her whether she’d spoken to the lawyer about selling the land to him, but the middle of a bar on a Friday night was hardly the place to do it. Still, he couldn’t wait to sign the papers granting him ownership. He would ensure he paid her a fair price. Fuck it, what did it matter if he asked her now? He opened his mouth to speak.
    Charlotte placed a finger on his mouth, and his whole body zeroed in on her touch. “Don’t do it.”
    “Do what?”
    “I see the look in your face, Gage. I know you want to ask, but can we please not do this tonight? I just want to enjoy my drink and then go back to the hotel. I don’t want to get into any discussions about land or inheritances.”
    He saw the tiredness in Charlotte’s eyes. He could relate to the look. He’d had a hell of a week, and not fifteen minutes ago he’d been enjoying his brothers’ company. Why not continue to unwind on a Friday night and leave inheritance issues alone?
    “Fair enough. Do you want to meet for breakfast or lunch tomorrow?”
    “Lunch sounds good. Do you want to meet at Betty Lou’s Diner?”
    Not even a raised eyebrow in surprise at his suggestion. Nothing seemed to rattle Charlotte Wilkinson.
    “Not unless you want the whole town to know your business. Betty Lou isn’t happy unless she’s finding out what everyone is up to. I don’t go to the diner. How about we meet here instead? It’s not as busy as this on a Saturday afternoon.”
    “That works, say twelve thirty?”
    The bartender arrived with their drinks. Gage handed him some money and picked up their drinks. “Yep. Now, do you want to go back to my lovely brothers and Macy, or do you want to see if we can find a table?”
    “If it’s okay with you, I’d rather head back to where your brothers are. I think they know where I stand now and won’t give me too much hassle.”
    “Okay.” He began to weave through the crowd again. He made sure Charlotte was by his side. “I think they’ve learned their lesson. Unless, of course, they do decide to torment you like older brothers do just so they can hear you tell them off in your
    Charlotte shook her head. “Seriously, I have no idea why my accent fascinates everyone so much.”
    He could tell her that he found her accent sexy and wished she’d whisper to him all night. He knew it wouldn’t be appreciated if he voiced his thoughts. Even he was having issues with why he was becoming fascinated with her when two days ago he was ripping her character to shreds. With the way she handled his brothers, he had no doubt she’d captivated Dad with her bright personality and intelligence, and Jack Cooper would’ve been smitten by her accent, too. “That’s because it’s so different and proper and as Macy said, ‘cool.’”
    “You’re all crazy, and really you don’t

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