Sweet Texas Fire

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Book: Read Sweet Texas Fire for Free Online
Authors: Nicole Flockton
balls scattered across the pool table. Grayson snickered in his ear.
    “Snookered you real good, didn’t I?”
    “Whatever. Now move, so I can whip your ass.”
    “Whatever you say, little brother. Whatever you say. But this game is mine. Like always.”
    Gage laughed at his brother’s antics. He had to admit, he was glad he’d made the time to come to Sweet Ridge. He’d spent the day walking the perimeter of the land he would soon own. He planned to head out there again tomorrow to take photos to send to his survey people.
    “Geez, Gage, watching you decide what to do is like watching paint dry. I’m going to be turning gray if you take too much longer to sink a ball. Macy’s not gonna love me with gray hair.”
    “Aww, baby, I’ll still love you when you’re old and wrinkly.”
    Gage looked up and almost dropped his cue when he spied who was standing behind Macy.
    What the hell was Charlotte Wilkinson doing in Sweet Ridge? And why the hell was she with Macy, of all people?
    Her chin rose a notch, like she knew what he was thinking. She certainly didn’t look shocked to see him.
    Gavin finally released Macy, and Miss TV Personality walked over, dragging Charlotte with her.
    “Gage, darlin’. Good to see you again.” He accepted the kiss Macy placed on his cheek.
    “You, too, Macy. Although I have to wonder what’s happened to that smart brain of yours, hooking up with a doofus like Gavin.”
    Macy laughed and shrugged. “What can I say? I love him.”
    “Well, there’s no accounting for taste,” Gage said drily and smiled when Macy hit him on the shoulder.
    “Babe, aren’t you going to introduce us to your friend?” Gavin came to stand by his girl.
    “Oh, yes. This here is Charlotte Wilkinson. I had dinner with her at the diner after Betty Lou introduced us. Actually, she insisted that I meet Charlotte. I’m glad she did. Although Gage already knows Charlotte, don’t you?”
    “Yes, I do. It’s good to see you again, Charlotte. What brings you to Sweet Ridge?”
    “Gage.” She inclined her head like she was the queen of England and he was a lowly servant.
    He had a feeling he knew exactly why she was here.
    “This is Charlotte Wilkinson?” Grayson whistled long and low. “Bro, you’ve been holding out on us. I wonder why.”
    Gage’s temper simmered below the surface.
    “Hello, Charlotte Wilkinson,” Grayson drawled. “I’m Grayson, the best Cooper brother of the lot.”
    Charlotte smiled. “Hello, Grayson. The best brother, huh? Guess we’ll see if that’s true.”
    “Ignore him, Charlotte.” Gage sent him a
back off
look, and Grayson laughed.
    “Hang on a minute,” Gavin burst out. “Charlotte Wilkinson. You inherited Gage’s piece of land from Dad, didn’t you? Why are you here?”
    “Leave it, Gavin. It doesn’t matter.” His tone was harsh, letting both his brothers know he would take them to task if they continued to be jerks toward Charlotte. It surprised the hell out of him that he lifted a finger to help her. Wasn’t she supposed to be his enemy?
    “Thanks, Gage, but I don’t need your help.” Charlotte looked first at Gavin and then Grayson. “Yes, I did inherit land from your dad. I liked Jack, and I wasn’t expecting the inheritance. And that’s all I’m going to say on the issue. What I do with that land is none of your concern.”
    Fine, she didn’t need his help. And seeing the stunned looks on Gavin and Grayson’s faces, they hadn’t expected her to stand up to them.
    “Ha, you boys just got burned.” Macy laughed loudly. “How can you be angry when you get told off in that cool accent?”
    “Easily,” Grayson muttered.
    Gage had enough. Another minute of this shit and his bad mood would start a new family rift.
    He handed his cue to Macy, who automatically took it. “See if you can whip Gray’s butt. I’m going to get Charlotte a drink.”
    Not waiting to see what his brothers did, Gage cupped Charlotte by the elbow and led her through

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