Sweet Agony (Sweet Series Book 1)

Read Sweet Agony (Sweet Series Book 1) for Free Online

Book: Read Sweet Agony (Sweet Series Book 1) for Free Online
Authors: Jessie Lane
Tags: Romance, Military, New Adult & College, military romance
tell Amber everything about Ginny. The more people thought Ginny was just the girl across the street, the less I had to deal with.
    I heard her footsteps as she scurried away. I didn’t bother to see if she was upset. Ginny would forgive me later; it was just how things were.
    A hand on my chest distracted me from my thoughts, pulling my focus back to my girlfriend.
    She took a quick peek at my house before leaning forward to whisper, “Do you think you could give me a kiss before your parents catch us?”
    It was my turn to look up at my house. I didn’t see anyone watching us, but I didn’t want to take the chance of getting caught making out with my girlfriend. My mom would blow a gasket.
    Shaking my head, I told her, “No way. My parents would catch us for sure.”
    Amber dropped her lips into a pout that made me think of kissing, and kissing made me think of getting my hand up her shirt again. That was when the mother of all ideas came to me.
    Grabbing her hand, I dragged her down the sidewalk at a fast clip.
    “Where are we going, Lucas?”
    “To the shed in Johnny’s backyard. It has a door that’s unlocked, and Johnny’s gone with his family for the whole weekend.”
    Amber giggled again. The sound grated on my nerves, but I could deal with it if she let me get her bra off this time.
    Twelve Years Old
    “Why are you watching that loser through the window, girl?”
    My best friend was awesome. Olivia totally didn’t get my obsession with her eldest brother, but as she liked to say, “I love you, anyway.”
    She probably thought my crush on Lucas would come and go, but I didn’t think it ever would. Olivia just didn’t understand. In fact, I knew my crush on him would never go away, because it wasn’t just a crush. It was more , so much more.
    It took me a couple of years to realize it, but I finally figured it out this year. Lucas Young was my knight in shining armor.
    That might seem like a silly thought to some, but to me, it made perfect sense. See, Lucas had always been there to save me, even when he didn’t know it.
    He had literally saved me when I was seven when Olivia and I had been kicking a soccer ball around in her front yard, and she had accidentally kicked it into the street. Being a typical kid, I hadn’t been paying attention, so I had run out into the street after the ball, right into the path of a car. Somehow, Lucas had been there to grab my hand and pull me out of the way before it could run me over.
    The next time, Lucas had saved me from myself.
    I was a certified klutz. I could trip over my own shoe laces. I could bang my knees into furniture that seemed to transport itself directly into my path. I could also walk into sliding glass doors. It seemed I also had to prove I could lock myself in a closet that had no lock.
    Don’t ask me how it happened because, to this day, I still didn’t understand. What I did know was, one minute, I had been stepping into a slightly oversized linen closet, and the next, I had been stuck in a pitch black closet, having a total melt down.
    Being trapped made me feel like the walls were closing in on me. I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t escape the memories. Flashbacks of my mother shoving me into the back of my closet to hide when my father would come home angry and violent had bombarded me. The harsh sounds of a hand slapping skin and my mother’s cry of pain had echoed in my head.
    I knew my mother had only been trying to protect me from seeing my father slap her around, but she had inadvertently made me terrified of tight, suffocating, dark spaces.
    Those were all memories I had done my best to forget, perhaps pretend it had never happened. However, when I had found myself trapped in the darkness, I had been forced to remember. The more I had remembered, the harder it had become to breathe, and my head had felt like it had been drowned in fogginess.
    Then Lucas had been there. He’d gently pulled me out of the pitch black closet, out

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