
Read Surrendered for Free Online

Book: Read Surrendered for Free Online
Authors: LP Lovell
Tags: LP Lovell, She Who Dares, Surrendered, Besieged
obviously inhales her coffee. “Everything, everything?” She splutters. Well Molly doesn’t know everything. In fact, Theo knows more than her. I never let Molly have the details. It’s not that she can’t handle it, but she wears her heart on her sleeve. She loves too hard and cares too much. I love her for it, but information like this would weigh heavily on her. I’ve known her my whole life, and she would never indicate the burden, but she’s just too…good. There are some things in life that you don’t like to taint with darkness, Molly is one of them. She has this purity about her that is so rare. She is good to the very core, and in my world, that is such a precious trait.
    When I was five, I remember staying at Molly’s house after my dad died. Our dad’s worked together, so our families were close. Molly’s mum would look after Harry and I as best she could whilst our mother ensued on her downward spiral. I would sleep in Molly’s bed and cry. She would just hold me tight. She used to tell me that my daddy was an angel now. Even back then at the tender age of five, my faith in anything good had been broken, ripped from me with the death of my father. Throughout my entire life Molly has been there, her light balancing out my dark. I never wanted her to see the full extent of my nightmare world. As we got older, she put the pieces together, I would tell her snippets, but not the whole story. I never told her about the trafficking. That sort of shit can break a person. Don’t get me wrong, Molly is one tough cookie, she’s no wall flower, but she just cares too deeply. She would hurt for me, and I never wanted that. She has always accepted my closed off nature, offering her unending support, but never demanding anything. The fact that I have told Theo obviously shocks the shit out of her.
    I can’t help but laugh at her expression. “Yes, everything.”
    “What did he say?” She finally manages to ask.
    I smile. “Nothing. He was angry, but I guess I should have expected that. Bloody man thinks he can protect me from all demons, past and present.”
    “I’m proud of you Lill’s.” She smiles softly. “I genuinely never thought I would see the day when you would place that much trust in someone.”
    I shrug. “What can I say? The guy is obsessed with me. A girl can only take so much.” I smirk, blowing off her sappy comments. It’s not that I don’t agree with her, but it makes me uncomfortable.
    She snorts. “Understatement of the century.” She mumbles.
    “I figure, if he can deal with my ugly shit, then I can deal with Cassie.”
    She frowns. “There is no dealing. He’s lucky to have you.” She huffs.
    I roll my eyes and change the subject. “Anyway, enough about my odd relationship and onto yours…what is going on with you and Hugo?” She starts to speak but I hold up my hand. “If you say ‘we’re just having fun’, I may have to kill you.” I eye her meaningfully.
    She scowls at me. “It is not a relationship.” Glad to see I’m not the only one with issues. Truth be told, I’ve been so wrapped up in all the shit that’s been going on, whilst also trying to avoid Theo, that I don’t know what is going on any more. I’m a shit friend.
    “Defensive.” I mutter with a small smile on my lips.
    She sighs. “I don’t know. We are having fun, but it’s just getting complicated. I mean, these things have a time limit don’t they?”
    I shrug and take a sip of my coffee. “Not necessarily, I mean there are no rules.”
    “I know, but…I need more. I don’t want more from Hugo. He’s not that guy. I like him though.” She releases an exasperated sigh. “Ugh, fuck, it’s just…messy.”
    “I get it.” I tell her.
    “You do?”
    I shrug. “I like Hugo. He’s funny and loyal to those he cares about, but he’s a dog.” I shake my head. “I can’t even dislike him for it, because it’s just who he is. If it’s any consolation, in as much capacity as Hugo

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